In Lunar Ellipse, Allison, with help from Isaac, find the parents in the root cellar just before Jennifer sacrifices them. Not much is known about her early history, aside from the fact that she moved around constantly due to her family being in the Werewolf hunting business, though this was always blamed on her father's cover as a security consultant and licensed firearms dealer who sold weaponry to local police departments. Later that day, Scott, who was worried about potentially harming Allison during their date, went to seek advise from the only other Werewolf he knew-- Derek Hale, who was squatting in the ruins of his family home following the fire. During her time living in Beacon Hills, Allison had romantic relationships with Scott McCall and Isaac Lahey and was a member of the McCall Pack. She helps Scott and Stiles deal with Derek's pack, and later, the Kanima and its mysterious Master. In The Fox and the Wolf, Allison suffers a minor breakdown from all the pressure on her shoulders, confessing to Sheriff Stilinski she seems to always feel scared due to the dangers and she's conflicted over her feelings with Scott and Isaac, the latter she thinks could be dying. a place for edits and pictures of female celebrities i like.this blog is occasionally nsfw and will be tagged as such. Ha partecipato ai film Skyline con Donald Faison e Eric Balfour nel 2010; Crazy, Stupid, Love con Steve Carell e Julianne Moore nel 2011 e Crush , diretto da Malik Bader nel 2013. pas de frais. naked." In Season 1, Allison is the new girl at Beacon Hills High School, enters a romantic relationship with Scott McCall and becomes Lydia Martin's best friend. Allison is the daughter of Chris and Victoria Argent, with them being hunters who moved constantly. First Seen This ability was evidenced by her ability to set a trap for Boyd and Cora (when they were running loose after they hadn't transformed on a full moon for four months) without any assistance ("Unleashed"), as well as how she was able to lead the search for Stiles/the Nogitsune after he escaped from Eichen House. Allison Argent was a main character and the former female lead of the Teen Wolf series. In Letharia Vulpina, Dal 2011 al 2014 è Allison Argent, personaggio principale nella serie televisiva di MTV Teen Wolf. Allison asked Lydia if she knew who Scott was, and when Lydia, who was visibly impressed by his performance, stated that she had no idea, Allison remarked that he was in her English class. When Scott did so, he found that Allison was projected onto Garrett in his memories out of his subconscious fear of harming her while out of control and that in reality, she had no part in the events of the previous night—instead, he was called out of bed by the Alpha's roar to hunt with him and solidify their pack allegiance, but instead of killing with the Alpha, Scott intervened and protected Garrett, getting injured himself in the process, though it had healed before he awoke. For reasons unknown, she was not close to her grandfather Gerard at all while she was growing up, to the point where she hadn't seen him since she was three years old when he returned to Beacon Hills in 2011, making it nearly a fifteen-year absence. In The Tell, Bodleian Libraries. Realizing that Scott's dishonesty was to protect her, Allison kisses Scott and tells him she loves him. She was, on the surface at least, shallow and spoiled but this turned out to be an elaborate act to hide the fact that she possesses a genius level IQ. I'm proud of us. In Galvanize, In The Dark Moon, she is mentioned during the drive back to Beacon Hills to California by Malia, wondering who she is. Allison is naturally sweet, charming and has a rebellious streak. January 1994 (17 years old) (at time of death) Allison Argent was a naturally caring, sweet, charming, strong-minded and loyal person to her friends and family. However, Allison became alarmed when suddenly, the full moon hit its apex and Scott began to feel sick, not knowing he was close to transforming into a Werewolf for the first time. In response to the Nemeton's activation, Allison convinces her father to bring both of them out of retirement, accepts her role as leader of the family and states a new Code: "Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes," which is French for "we protect those who cannot protect themselves.". She was a member of the Argent Family and the McCall Pack. She tells her father she loves him and is proud of what they've done. The next day, Allison once again sat in the bleachers and watched the lacrosse team's final day of try-outs after school, and when she caught his attention on the field, they both smiled and waved to each other. After the death of her mother Victoria, Allison, as the sole remaining woman in the family, became the head of the Argent Hunter clan due to their family's tradition of matriarchal leadership. Before they could interact further, Allison was approached by Lydia Martin, the school's most popular girl, who immediately complimented her on her jacket. I'm In Control. The advice seemed to do the trick, because once Scott figured out how to surreptitiously use his superhuman strength, speed, and agility/reflexes in his favor, he began getting strikes for every shot he took, much to Jackson's displeasure. Chouchous, Attache-cheveux (spirale en plastique) | Accessoires aux cheveux Conception de Cordon de téléphone dans un ensemble de 4 en couleur noir de la marque … ("Lunar Ellipse") In her final battle, she came to Camp Oak Creek to fight the Oni (despite Lydia's many messages to stay away after she had a Banshee premonition that Allison would die) because her only concern was that Lydia was safe. When Argent asked which player was Scott, Lydia snidely retorted that he was #11, who hadn't scored all game, much to Allison's displeasure. When Scott asked for a second chance, Allison jokingly asked him if she was going to regret forgiving him, leading Scott to reply "Probably" in a self-deprecating tone of voice, though she ultimately agrees to a second chance. In Frayed, While the girls talked, Jackson went into the arcade, and Scott followed him in there in hopes of trying to mend fences with him and get rid of the tension between the two of them. It was storming and pouring rain as she hysterically explained what had happened and walked him to the trunk of her car, where she had placed the injured dog; she was too upset to notice that Scott's eyes flashed gold as he unconsciously used his Werewolf powers to calm the dog down so he could be brought inside the clinic. In Magic Bullet, Allison assured him that they just started before pointing out that Scott was thinking too much, and Scott began to worry that he was ruining their date, though Allison made it clear that this was not the case. Occupation your own Pins on Pinterest Allison and Scott eventually begin dancing on the patio, where the two were seen getting closer and closer by Lydia, who was watching them the whole time while Jackson kissed her neck. Per l'attrice sarà la prima volta nel teen drama soprannaturale dall'addio nel 2014. This relieved Scott, who didn't want a repeat of the night they had with Jackson and Lydia, and the two began to kiss for a long moment before Allison finally sneaked inside. As a result, she was ashamed of the fact that she was older than her classmates and tried to hide her birthday from them so they wouldn't find out her true age, though this was not always successful and usually led to assumptions that the reason she was held back was either because she wasn't neurotypical, because she got pregnant, or because she was on drugs. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Allison reconciles with her father, after all, they've lost and they both promise to retire. In Chaos Rising, The Argent family moving around was blamed on Chris's cover job of being a security consultant and licensed firearms dealer. Though she was originally resistant to her heritage, Allison finally began to seriously train in combat and the use of a multitude of weapons during her sophomore and junior year at Beacon Hills High School, where she found that she had a natural affinity for the craft. Aliases The evening of the party, Scott, driving his mother's car, picked Allison up at her house so they could head to Lydia's. ("Pack Mentality"), ("Magic Bullet"). She collapses into Scott's arms. ", Herself (as a willing sacrifice participant), Allison and Boyd (Former Enemies, Allies), Quiver of military-grade, armor-piercing titanium arrowheads, Mazda 3 (1st car), Toyota Camry (2nd car). Allison Argent is the daughter of Chris and Victoria Argent, and Kate Argent's niece. She engaged in gymnastics for eight years before giving it up, largely because of her family's tendency to … She went through great lengths to protect them. Allison made it a point of constantly asking Jackson how many strikes it was in a row just to rub it in his face and suggested that Scott just had natural talent. Alabama Song Pardon Me Send Down An Angel Set You Free Soft Place To Fall Think It Over Up This High . Conoscendo tutti gli amici di Allison come Scott, Stiles, una notte tutto cambia e la sua vita non sará mai più la stessa. In violation of her agreement with her father, she begins to help Scott and Derek's pack fight against The Alpha Pack. In Venomous, In De-Void, to her relief, Isaac recovers and spends the night with her. However, unlike the female Argent leaders who came before her, Allison belonged to a Werewolf pack, and encouraged her father to join her in changing their Code by abandoning the concept of hunting all supernaturals and instead protecting all innocents, whether human or supernatural, from anyone of any species who mean to do them harm. Allison immediately began protesting at the stupidity of this rule, but Argent insisted that it was out of their hands. Fortunately, Scott was able to keep his eyes closed and defeat the Anuk-Ite. High quality Allison Argent gifts and merchandise. Allison Argent Allison Argent was raised traveling across the country with her parents, kept completely in the dark about their actual nocturnal activities hunting werewolves. Commentaire Signaler un abus. She learns Isaac was still himself when he slept with her before the Nogitsune's fly took control. Lydia, drawn to men who excel at what they do, began checking Scott out and pretended not to know what to do in hopes of having him show her how to bowl well. Allison was among the many fans and fellow players who cheered when Scott, who had performed an incredible gymnastic feat in order to make a shot, was announced by Coach Finstock that he had made first line, ignoring how furious Jackson was to be once again outshined by his new rival. Le plus grand catalogue de films gratuits du Web. Allison draws her final arrow, her silver arrowhead and fires it into the Oni, destroying the demon entity and saving Issac's life; unfortunately, another Oni runs her through with its sword. Chris and Isaac discover that Allison had left four arrowheads behind and they use them to defeat the Oni and avenge Allison. Killed By The two then made their way to class, where Allison instructed Scott to save her a seat at lunch before parting with him. Allison and Isaac also mend fences as she attacked him during her moral spiral, so much so that they partner up to deal with the current situation and they develop feelings for each other.