Once you have control of the speed start to move the ball around and between your legs in a figure-eight pattern. One player is the leader and one is the follower. Two Balls - If you have enough basketballs for two each and your players are skilled enough, give each player two basketballs that they must dribble while the taggers only have to dribble one. If a player does get tagged, they are out and must sit down out-of-bounds and wait for the next game. How many can you do in 30 seconds? Vary the size of the court and amount of taggers depending on the amount of players you have. By using our 100-level training system, you will have workout regimens that are customized to your current skill level, and be well on your way to Gaining the Superhandles™ Advantage over your competition. Water Polo Ball Handling Drills by Bill Anttila 2.7 #2 BALL HANDLING DRILLS. Dribbling on the basketball court is a difficult skill.Not because dribbling is a tough skill to improve necessarily, but because it's difficult to teach players when, where, and why to use their dribble.As the famous Australian basketball coach, Lindsay Gaze, once said..."You dribble to score, not to explore. 4. Now, this may seem similar to the figure eight drill, however, it involves high-speed dribbling rather than moving the ball in the air. Every 30 seconds the coach must call out ‘Switch!’ and the players swap roles. Two skills that all player need to have in there repertoire are the ability to handle ball pressure and change directions to get by a defender. Being able utilize ball handling dribbling drills effectively is a cornerstone to being a solid basketball player. The player will initiate the drill by standing at one end of the cones with a basketball in hand. Initiate on the baseline with a ball in each hand then start to dribble both balls whilst walking in a straight line. The set of drills that have come to be known as "Maravich Drills," (after the late ball-handling wizard Pete Maravich) are widely known. They will then dribble both balls simultaneously as hard and as quick as they can at approximately waist height. ©Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved. As the drill starts the player will dribble forwards to the coach by dribbling alternatively before approaching the 3-point line. How it works: Perform as many of the following touches as you're able to! The player’s legs should be spread outside of shoulder-width with a ball in each hand. The coach then starts the drill by calling out ‘Go!’ or blowing a whistle. Watch that players aren’t dominating the basketball with their strong hand. Swap hands after a couple of dribbles before reaching the baseline then repeating the drill going backwards. Better put, do not look at the ball. Players should be shouting out the number the coach is holding up loudly. Last but not least, please ensure you are having fun and working towards a goal. They then perform a wider slalom making sure to use both hands. Then take your left hand off the ball and let it bounce and while it’s in the air conduct a double crossover with the other ball. Dribbling, like passing, is a way to move the ball around, but ball handling is how you move with … When an offensive player fails to call out a number or has their basketball stole, they’re out. This should be done for around 30 seconds before switching legs. Purpose: One of the best ball handling drills for improving dribbling ability. The handling videos and drills below will boost your players' ability to pass, move and receive the ball from kicks and throws using 3v2v2 and competitive passing drills. If an offensive player is fouled while having the basketball stolen from them or deflected, they stay in the drill. Hold the ball comfortably out in front of you about chest height. Players find a partner and stand 2 metres away facing each other with a basketball. In this article I’ll provide you with 2 of the most effective soccer ball training drills used by top soccer coaches to improve the overall soccer ball handling skills of their top soccer players. Two Basketballs - For advanced players, you can have each player controlling two basketballs throughout the drill. I remember the GOAT himself Michael Jordan saying, “To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.” which I hope should resonate with everybody who reads this article. While performing this drill, keep your head up, look straight ahead, and crossover the ball from left to right, from one knee to another. Encourage players to push themselves out of their comfort zones. Ball-Handling Drills The following standing stationary ball-handling drills are to be performed with two basketballs (one in each hand). TheChampLair.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Arrange players in files at each side of pool as indicated in diagram with breaking men between 2 and 5 yard line. On the coach’s call, the drill begins and the offensive players start dribbling around within the designated playing area. Initiate the drill with your feet spread apart outside of shoulder-width and start to dribble the ball at your most optimal pace at around 6 inches from the ground. All players must be working hard to improve their weak hand. Continue this maneuver for 30 seconds. Ball Control, Figure 8 Improve your ball handling control with this fun drill. The other players must dribble around without committing a dribbling violation and avoiding getting tagged. The first step is for the player to be holding a ball with their left hand against their stomach and then cross the ball in their right hand over to their left hand, as the ball bounces off the ground. To execute the crossover dribble, bounce the ball from one hand to the other in a V pattern. Another awesome warm-up drill for you to improve your handles. Use this time to develop creativity and find new ways to solve problems (advance the ball). They then speed dribble to the corner before slowing down and completing a reverse spin at the corner. This usually means the drill will end quickly. The drill begins with the coach choosing a leader from each of the pairs. After I complete my stationary drills I would move on to a full court drill. Then they will put their right hand on the ball that is placed on their stomach whilst removing their left hand away to receive the dribble. Unless the pass isn’t executed well, the passing group won’t beat the lone runner. Throughout the drill, the coach will interchange between directions until the player reaches the opposing baseline which will signal the end of the drill. Push dribble the ball outwards with the right hand to the free-throw line, then come to a stop at the free-throw line before then pushing back with a retreat dribble to baseline. Ball Handling Drills with Damon Stoudamire! This process should be continued for around 30-60 second intervals. Finally, they finish the course with a layup, midrange shot, or three-point shot before joining the end of the line. The player with the ball will take three stationary dribbles with their outside hand and on the 3rd dribble, they will push forward towards the partner/chair and make a crossover in the middle of the obstacle before pushing the ball past them and finishing in the basket. ElinorBruce69365226. They include drills such as passing the ball around your body, dribble figure 8s, spider dribbling, drop and catch. All players have a basketball and find a spot on the floor where they can see the coach and have space to dribble. The next step is to then switch the ball between your legs to your left hand. One of the balls will go reverse between their legs and the spare ball will go around the front. The player will come to a stop at the opposite baseline, turn back and repeat the cycle for their desired times. Alright, let’s get dribbling with this very basic, yet effective drill: the crossover. #3 – Keep your head up. Dribbling is a component of ball handling but there is so much more to it. The ball handler will dribble the basketball with one hand and then extend his or her other arm where the partner will push on to try and throw him or here off balance. Pound dribble the ball once, then perform a crossover in between the legs, transferring the ball from the right hand to the left hand. Cross the ball behind your back to your left hand. Tip ball between hands going up and down. The right over left process is repeated with no dribbles in between and should be done for the desired time. Full Court Ball Handling Drills. You want to make sure your arms and elbows are locked while taping the ball back and forth between your left and right hand. Superhandles.com provides over 120 hours of Game-Ready basketball workouts that cover dribbling drills, ball handling drills, shooting drills, passing drills, point guard drills, and more. The player starts 6-8 feet from the 3 point line on the wing while the partner, or chair if no partner available, will be stationed on the 3 point line. This drill is to be performed with your eyes and head up, as quickly as possible. Around Each Leg Circle the ball around one leg. The coach should be 100% sure each player called out the number. Hold the ball comfortably out in front of you about chest height. A fun dribbling drill that forces players to keep their heads up and focus on the the coach while evading defenders. Drill Keys or Legend; Drill 2.7: Triangle . This is maintained until the coach instructs the player to change legs. It’s up to the coach to decide which players failed to call out the number. Line up a straightforward row of cones so that each cone is approximately 2-3 feet apart. Then alternate the position of your legs and switch the ball back through to your right hand. Number of Defenders - Select the number of defenders depending on the amount of players you have. Lots of passing practice doesn’t reward accurate passing. Finally, they will engage with the third chair by performing another move before finishing in the basket. With that said, I believe there are many drills in this article that can be performed at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels that all have a degree of focus on specific skill sets that are widely available with very limited resources. RickUstp52330650. They will then dribble both balls from the side of their body in a sweeping motion, such as a windshield wiper. No matter what type of ball-handling drills you are doing, you should be dribbling the ball as hard as possible. All players start the game with a basketball. The coach selects one or two players who are the taggers and they must attempt to tag everyone out. Try this for approximately 20-30 seconds and then attempt to switch paths in reverse for another 20-30 seconds. Some ball handling drills work on specific moves, while others simply improve your hands, touch and feel for the ball. This drill is to be performed until you feel a slight burn in your shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Ensure eyes are always kept up and not at the floor throughout. As the play continues to venture forward to the opposite baseline they will continue this process and alternate hands every time. The player initiates the drill in an engaged stance with a ball in each hand and will then dribble both balls in front of them in a sweeping windshield wiper motion. Coach Doesn’t Move - Instead of walking circles around the playing area, the coach can simply stand at the top holding up numbers. Players will start with a ball in each hand at the baseline before proceeding to dribble both balls at the same time with one between their legs and the other being a crossover in front. The player starts at the halfway line with two balls and their coach or partner will be at the free-throw line. Each drill should last 15 - 30 seconds depending on the level of the players and which drill the players are doing. Simple ball-handling drill to use with younger players. The starting move is 2 crossovers, then 2 between the legs, then 2 behind the backs before finally 2 reverse between the legs. This is one of the ball handling drill for beginners that you must master. It’s possible to dribble the ball as high as you want just as long as your hand stays on top of the ball. He now chases the dream to become a part-time Jedi Master like Gandalf. Basketball Ball Handling Drills #2 Fingertips. This drill will help you develop a better and softer touch and will turn you into a fine ball handler. At this point, the player should neglect any stationary dribbles in between then repeat the stop and explode movement again until the process is cycled to the free-throw line and then a retreat dribble is completed back to the baseline. Count Numbers Out Loud - A great game to have players to keep their heads up is to hold up numbers from 1 - 5 with one hand. This will condition you to display the same type of force and control in your handles when you step in real game situations. Players complete a course that will allow them to practice different dribbling moves. - Practice your dribble moves. The coach will then walk circles around the playing area holding up numbers from one to five. Balance Ball Handling How To Do This Drill: You will need a partner for this drill. This is important so players can read the other players on the court instead of looking at their defender. Once this is done alter hands for difficulty. Make sure to go through all the different stations/moves with the players before starting the drill so that they understand how to perform them. Hold the ball with the fingertips, squeezing it while rotating it back and forth from hand to hand. in Passing & Handling, Rugby drills Use this passing game to encourage accurate, fast passing developing into passing at pace, both by going forward and moving the ball laterally. Ensure to keep your head high and keep practising if you go wrong. Finally, place your left hand back on the ball that was freely bounced before it touches the ground again. Just click on an image to start your work. The course must be completed at game speed. Ball Handling Drills Get a great feel for the ball using these drills. Today, I am going to give you a ton of tips and show you the best basketball ball handling drills you can perform in order to skyrocket your handles. In this position, you can make shots, pass the ball, or pivot the ball easily to continue with it. Players spread out on one half of the court facing the coach. As soon as the player reaches the opposing baseline they will do the very same drill but in a backwards manner. Repeat the drill once more with crossovers to the end line before doing the same thing again but doing so backwards. The last thing we want is to aggressively bounce the ball which can cause more turnovers. Use just the right hand fist to pop the ball up … Don’t allow the players to simply go through the motions. Definitely a great drill to improve your hands. - Don't be afraid to try new things and make mistakes. Ball handling is key for players of all positions in today’s game – these drills will help develop this important skill. #2 – Bounce the ball in a gentle and smooth manner. The leader continuously performs stationary dribbling moves while the follower must attempt to mimic them and keep up. Key #3 – Get Low And Stay Low. 5. Wraps – Around Waist Wrap the ball in a circle motion around your waist. Michael Carter Williams Summer Workout With JLaw! Ball Handling Drills for Basketball 1. The coach will then raise a right or left hand and depending on which hand is raised will determine what side the player conducts a push pass to that side of the coach. Start with feet outside of shoulder-width apart with your knees bent. Ball Handling 1 Head up Move ball as fast as you can • Leg Circles, Reverse • LeA leg, reverse • Figure 8, reverse • Waist circles, reverse When they get to the chair they will either crossover, between the legs, behind the back, or reverse between the legs past the chair before pushing out the ball to engage with the second chair but using a different move from the first chair. Try a drill that requires many elements of walking or being stationary and require fast movements such as crossovers or behind the back dribbles. Point guards obviously need to master dribbling in order to be at the top of their game, but everybody who takes the court needs to be familiar with how to effectively dribble a basketball in order for a team to be successful. A good hand speed and coordination drill, also great conditioner for your arms Ball Circle A great way to become comfortable with the basketball is to take it and circle it around your head, then around your waist, and, finally, around your knees. As quickly as you can return the dribble back to your right hand and continue this process for 30 seconds and come to a stop. What I usually recommend for players who tend to have this issue, is using glasses that force you to look up ahead. "That's something all coaches and players need to remember.The following 5 basketball ball handling drills will assist players to learn the basics and put them on the path to becoming an efficient dribbler. #1 – Bend your knees. This process is repeated for around 30 seconds. The defenders run around looking to deflect or steal the basketball away from the other players. Offensive players should be in a low stance and have their arm bar up protecting the basketball at all times. Coach RB Ball Handling Individual Drills Should be done on your own 2. Create Your Own Course – Improvise and experiment with a different types and combinations of dribbling moves. 3. The figure-eight no dribble basketball drill initiates with your feet being laterally spread outside of shoulder-width along with a basketball in your right hand.