The smaller craft of the Franco-Venetian squadron scattered during the battle's final stages and reached Lesina independently. The major Italian objective was to capture Venice and at least part of its surrounds from Austria. The immediate aftermath saw renewed efforts by Hoste to induce the French to hand over Flore, efforts that were rebuffed by the captain of the Danaé, who had assumed command of the French squadron. Drache on the extreme right (starboard) wing of the Austrian 1st Division was hit 17 times by heavy shells, losing her mainmast and temporarily losing propulsion. The Austrians could only reply with their chase guns. Sources differ on the spelling of Gifflenga's first name, using Alexander and Alexandre interchangeably. The armed merchant cruiser Stadion was ahead of the fleet acting as a scout. During World War II, an Italian submarine with his name was sunk in 1940 near Scotland. [18], Over the next three hours the squadrons continued to close, light winds restricting them to a little over three knots. It was the first major sea battle between ironclads and one of the last to involve deliberate ramming. The unarmoured wooden ships of the Austrian 2nd Division were facing modern ironclads armed with heavy guns, yet despite suffering heavy fire they held together. [10], Although Favorite was wrecked, over 200 of her crew and soldier-passengers had reached the land and, having set fire to their ship, prepared to march on Port St. George under the leadership of Colonel Gifflenga. Augusto Riboty of Varese was the namesake of an Italian destroyer leader launched in 1916 (and which survived both world wars, finally being scrapped in 1951). The outrage over the loss of two ironclads was huge and Persano after the battle was judged by the Italian Senate, condemned for incompetence and stripped of his rank, while Admiral Albini was merely relieved of command, and Admiral Vacca had to retire soon after for age limits. The fleets were composed of a mix of unarmoured sailing ships with steam engines, and armoured ironclads also combining sails and steam engines. Share Followers 2. The strain of combat at this greater distance ruptured Volage's short-ranged carronades and left the ship much weakened, with only a single gun with which to engage the enemy. By 10:43 am the Austrians had brought the Italian van to close action. The other (wooden) ships were dispersed into the battleline. At the last moment, von Petz turned into the ram, conducting a counter ram. Piedmontese Count Carlo di Persano commanded the Italian fleet, while the Austrian fleet was commanded by Konteradmiral Wilhelm von Tegetthoff. [29] Active too had suffered severely and as the British squadron was not strong enough to continue the action by attacking the remaining squadron in its protected harbour on Lesina, the battle came to an end. La battaglia di Lissa - 1866 La battaglia di Lissa - 1866. The Battle of Lissa, also known as the Battle of Vis; French: Bataille de Lissa; Italian: Battaglia di Lissa; Croatian: Viška bitka) was a naval action fought between a British frigate squadron and a much larger squadron of French and Italian frigates and smaller vessels on Wednesday, 13 March on 1811 during the Adriatic campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. Taking advantage of the temporary absence of Montagu, Dubourdieu assembled six frigates and numerous smaller craft and embarked over 500 Italian soldiers under Colonel Alexander Gifflenga. [4] In the Treaty of Tilsit, Russia had granted France control over the Septinsular Republic and withdrawn their own forces from the region, allowing Napoleon freedom of action in the Adriatic. Taking heart from his admiral, the captain of Re di Portogallo laid heavy fire on Kaiser with his rifled guns. The island of Lissa itself was defended by a small number of local troops under the command of two midshipmen. Flore had been able to pass unmolested through the British squadron only because she was recognised to have surrendered, and to abuse this custom in this way was considered, in the Royal Navy especially, to be a dishonourable act. Persano, now on the most powerful warship in either fleet, Affondatore, stayed clear of the engagement.[6]. Persano may have intended this to be an uncommitted reserve. The raider was driven off by the remaining garrison of the town without the prize, while attempting to manoeuvre her out of the bay. In total, the Italians had 11 ironclads in the battle line. Facing them, the Austrians split their own force into three divisions. Casualties of the action were heavy on both sides. “Per San Marco!” era il grido di battaglia dei combattenti veneti agli ordini del celebre Contrammiraglio austriaco Wilhelm von Tegetthof durante lo scontro navale nelle acque di Lissa. La Voce del Popolo E L'Ammiraglio Persano Alla Battaglia Di Lissa: Parole...: Lorenzini, G F: Books The exception was Affondatore, which was on the far side of the 2nd squadron and out of the battleline. Bellona had suffered at least 70 casualties and Corona's losses were also severe. La Voce Del Popolo E L'ammiraglio Persano Alla Battaglia Di Lissa: Parole... (Italian Edition) [Lorenzini, G. F.] on [18] He instead sought to attack the second ship in the British line, Hoste's flagship HMS Amphion. 29-giu-2015 - 1797, Pasque Veronesi: la rivolta veneta contro gli occupanti napoleonici. Dubourdieu (as commodore) led a squadron consisting of six frigates (four of 40 guns and two of 32 guns), a 16-gun brig, two schooners, one xebec, and two gunboats. The screw frigate Novara was hit 47 times, and her captain, Erik af Klint, was killed. Hoste was prepared for this eventuality and immediately ordered his ships to wear, turning south and then east to reverse direction. [9] By 15:00, Tegetthoff had led his fleet into the harbour of Lissa, where the damaged Kaiser had already arrived, undisturbed by the Italian ships; despite Persano's orders to engage the Austrian vessels, both Albini and Vacca ignored the orders, as the latter candidly testified at Persano's trial. In Italy, Persano announced a victory, causing much initial celebration until the real outcome of the battle was publicized. Three of his ships were from the French Navy, and the others from the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy. The junior British officers informed Gifflenga that the return of the British squadron would bring overwhelming numbers of sailors, marines and naval artillery to bear on his small force and that if he surrendered immediately he could expect better terms. The ancestors of Italians are mostly Indo-European speakers (e.g. [36], British numerical superiority in the region was assured; when French reinforcements for the Adriatic departed Toulon on 25 March they were hunted down and driven back to France by Captain Robert Otway in HMS Ajax before they had even passed Corsica. [6] Thus, the Treaty of Schönbrunn formalised Napoleon's control of almost the entire coastline of the Adriatic and, if unopposed, would allow him to transport troops and supplies to the Balkans. Mogliano Veneto (Città di Mogliano Veneto) ist eine norditalienische Gemeinde (comune) mit 27.824 Einwohnern (Stand 31. "The Emergence of the Moder Capital Ship." This total does not include the five crew killed and several wounded extinguishing the fire aboard,, Battles involving the Kingdom of Italy (Napoleonic), Naval battles involving the United Kingdom, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Croatian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Captured and later commissioned into the Royal Navy as, Dubordieu's squadron was accompanied by the 16-gun brig, Sources: Gardiner, p. 173; Henderson, p. 112; James, p. 351; Smith, p. 356; Woodman, p. 253. Tegetthoff's efforts were instrumental in preventing the Italians from annexing some of the Dalmatian islands, which were once part of the Republic of Venice. In the absence of Montagu, Hoste's squadron consisted of three frigates (one of 38 guns and two of 32 guns) and one 22-gun post ship. However the signal to slow down never reached the 1st Division and they continued to steam on, allowing a gap to open in the Italian battle line. [27] In Britain, Hoste's action was widely praised; the squadron's first lieutenants were all promoted to commander and the captains all presented with a commemorative medal. Get this from a library! The 3rd Division consisted of the smaller screw gunboats and armed merchantmen. La Voce del Popolo E L'Ammiraglio Persano Alla Battaglia Di Lissa: Parole... | Lorenzini, G F | ISBN: 9781278583853 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. The Italians, despite their numerical superiority, were not prepared for battle. Nereo Castelli 211 Posted December 19, 2016. I Russi cercarono di fermare gl'ultimi sopravvissuti delle due armate evitando altri inutili morti, forse più con lo scopo di raccogliere quanta più forza lavoro da spedire in qualche gulag sovietico. Commemorando la battaglia di Lemno . These operations captured dozens of ships and caused panic and disruption to French strategy in the region. [16] As he closed with Hoste's force, Dubourdieu realised that he would be unable to successfully cross Active's bow due to the British ship's speed, and would also be unable to break through their line due to the British ships' close proximity to one another. Battle of Lissa 1866 - Bibliography. This meant that he allowed his T to be crossed. [10] Daedalus was commissioned in 1812 under Captain Murray Maxwell, but served less than a year; wrecked off Ceylon in July 1813. Nella prima battaglia di Lissa nel 1811, le truppe del Regno d'Italia sono composte anche da numerosi militari friulani. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. La battaglia di Lissa nella storia e nella leggenda: la verità sulla campagna navale del 1866 desunta da nuovi documenti e testimonianze (Italian Edition) Habsburg, Salamander and Kaiser Max on the Austrian left wing had engaged the Italian 1st Division, while the right wing of Don Juan d'Austria, Drache and Prinz Eugen engaged the Italian 2nd Division. Lissa sarà investita da tre gruppi di navi che attaccheranno i tre principali ancoraggi: Vacca, con tre corazzate della squadra sussidiaria, contro Porto Comisa; Albini, con la squadra d'assedio delle unità di legno, contro Porto Manego, dove sbarcherà; Persano, con la squadra dà battaglia, contro Porto San Giorgio. Dopo la PRIMA PARTE, pubblicata la settimana scorsa, continua il racconto della Battaglia di Lissa. Captains Hoste and Hornby were both badly wounded and the entire British squadron was in need of urgent repair before resuming the campaign. The 1st Division consisted of the armoured ships, while the 2nd consisted of the powerful but obsolete unarmoured wooden ship of the line Kaiser and 5 frigates. [8] Tegetthoff's victory was saluted by his mariners – mainly Croats and Venetians, from Venetia, Istria and Dalmatia – with the traditional Venetian cry of victory: "Viva San Marco!" [33] In the French and Italian squadron the situation was even worse, although precise losses are not known. [35] On their arrival in Britain, Corona and Bellone were repaired and later purchased for service in the Royal Navy, the newly built Corona being named HMS Daedalus and Bellone becoming the troopship Dover. [17] Turning west, the British squadron awaited the French approach in line ahead, sailing along the north coast of the island within half a mile of the shoreline. BATTAGLIA DI LISSA (20/7/1866) : varia documentazione. [30] In surrendering and then escaping, the officers of Flore had breached an informal rule of naval conflict under which a ship that voluntarily struck its flag submitted to an opponent in order to prevent continued loss of life among its crew. The Italian gunners got a full broadside off at point blank range, but while they had remembered the gunpowder, in the excitement they had forgotten to load the shot. [20] Favorite, which had lost almost its entire complement of officers, was unable to respond quickly enough to the manoeuvre and drove onto the rocky coastline in confusion, becoming a total wreck. [27] Hoste sent a punt to take possession of Bellona but due to the damage suffered was unable to launch a boat to seize Flore. [15] Dubourdieu planned to overwhelm Hoste's frigate squadron and then invade and capture the island, which would eradicate the British threat in the Adriatic for months to come.[16]. [37] Throughout the remainder of 1811 however, British and French frigate squadrons continued to spar across the Adriatic, the most significant engagement being the action of 29 November 1811, in which a second French squadron was destroyed. Coloured contemporary lithograph by F. Kollarz of the naval battle of Lissa, 20 July 1866. The French army forming in the Illyrian Provinces was possibly intended for an invasion of the Ottoman Empire in conjunction with the Russians;[6] the two countries had signed an agreement to support one another against the Ottomans at Tilsit. At roughly the same time, Tegetthoff threw his flagship Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (commanded by Maximilian Daublebsky von Sterneck) at first at the former Italian flagship, Re d'Italia, and then at Palestro. Faà di Bruno of Re d'Italia was the namesake of an Italian armored gunboat launched in 1868 and a monitor launched in 1916. Austria, humbled by Prussia and bullied by Napoleon III of France, agreed to cede Venetia to Italy despite the overall failure of the Italian war effort. Captain Péridier had been seriously wounded in the action, and took no part in Flore's later movements. The French invasion force under Bernard Dubourdieu was met by Captain William Hoste and his four ships based on the island. Il 5 gennaio del 1913, la marina ellenica guidata dall'ammiraglio di Hydra, Pavlos Kountouriòtis, a bordo della sua leggendaria Averoff*, sconfisse la marina ottomana al largo dell'isola di Lemno. The 1st division in the vanguard consisted of Principe di Carignano, Castelfidardo and Ancona under Admiral Vacca, Captain 1st Class Faà di Bruno's 2nd division in the centre consisted of Re d'Italia, Palestro and San Martino, and the 3rd division to the rear had the Re di Portogallo, Regina Maria Pia and, at the extreme rear, Varese under Captain Augusto Riboty. The British ships suffered 190 killed or wounded in the battle and a number lost afterwards in the fire aboard Corona. Duodo had been mortally wounded in the action, and so ordered his second in command to light the fuse. Some eyewitnesses told that the captain jumped overboard; however, he drowned, being unable to swim. Sandler, Stanley. Battle of Lissa … It was the first major sea battle between ironclads and one of the last to involve deliberate ramming. The three Austrian divisions were formed up into three consecutive arrowhead or "V" formations; the armoured 1st division under Tegetthoff was in the van, the weaker gunboats and paddle steamers of the 3rd division to the rear, while the powerful but unarmoured vessels of Kommodor Petz's 2nd division were in the centre. La battaglia di Lissa nella storia e nella leggenda: la verità sulla campagna navale del 1866 desunta da nuovi documenti e testimonianze - Ebook written by Albert Lumbroso. Tegetthoff, seeing a gap opening between the 1st and 2nd Divisions, forced his fleet into it and concentrated on raking the Italians and ramming. The engagement was fought in the Adriatic Sea for … “E’ vero che i marinai della Ferdinand Max (una delle navi corazzate austriache della battaglia) salutarono l’affondamento del Re d’Italia (nave italiana) gridando – Viva San Marco ! [26] During this combat, the small ship Principessa Augusta fired on Amphion from a distance, until the frigate was able to turn a gun on them and drive them off. The Austrians were also severely outmatched in rifled guns (276 to 121) and total weight of metal (53,236 tons to 23,538 tons). Her feat, an unarmored, wooden ship willingly engaging four ironclads at short range, appears to be unprecedented and was never repeated. [39], For the Battle of Lissa fought between Austria and Italy in 1866, see. [20] As Favorite and Amphion closed with one another, firing continued between the British rear and the French leeward division, led by Danaé. The Austrian plan, due to their weaker firepower, was to close quickly into a melée, and to use close range fire and ramming to sink a small portion of the Italian fleet, thereby breaking the Italian will to fight. [4], Having ignored warnings from his pickets of suspicious ships in sight, Persano had effectively allowed the Austrians to ambush his force while it was still forming. Kaiser, remarkably, reported herself fit for action the morning after the battle. La Battaglia di Lissa nella storia e nella leggenda. [2], Following the death of Dubourdieu, Captain Péridier on Flore ordered the French and Venetian ships to attack the British line directly. It was the first major sea battle involving ships using iron and steam, and one of the last to involve deliberate ramming. They were busy preparing for landings on the island of Vis (Lissa) when the news that the Austrian fleet was at sea and seeking battle reached them. Dubourdieu's squadron was spotted approaching the island of Lissa at 03:00 on 12 March 1811 by Captain Gordon in HMS Active, which had led the British squadron from Port St George on a cruise off Ancona. ("Hurrah with Saint Mark!"). [33] Among the ships that escaped less is known of their casualties, but all required repair and reinforcement before the campaign could resume. [30] The surviving French and Venetian ships were initially laid up in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) awaiting supplies to continue the campaign, but a separate British squadron discovered and sank the supply ship at Parenzo (Poreč), necessitating a full French withdrawal from the area. The Italian defeat was overshadowed by the crushing Prussian victory over the Austrian Army at Königgrätz. In the subsequent battle, Hoste sank the French flagship, captured two others, and scattered the remainder of the Franco-Venetian squadron. [3] A single turret ship took part in the action — the Italian Affondatore. [16] The first shots of the battle were fired at 09:00, as the British used their wider field of fire to attack the leading French ships, Favorite and Danaé, unopposed for several minutes. Search. [28] The frigates manoeuvred around one another for the next hour; captains Gordon and Pasqualigo each seeking the best position from which to engage. The Battle of Lissa (sometimes called Battle of Vis) took place on 20 July 1866 in the Adriatic Sea near the Dalmatian island of Lissa ("Vis" in Croatian) and was a decisive victory for an outnumbered Austrian Empire force over a numerically superior Italian force. Datum: 2006: Quelle: Eigenes Werk: Urheber: Rocco Pier Luigi: Genehmigung (Weiternutzung dieser Datei) Public domain Public domain false false: Ich, der Urheberrechtsinhaber dieses Werkes, veröffentliche es als gemeinfrei. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. [7] To counter this, the French government started a major shipbuilding programme in the Italian seaports, particularly Venice, and despatched frigates of their own to protect their shipping. Dubourdieu hoped to pass ahead of Active at the head of the British line and cross it further east with Danaé, which led the leeward division. -. The Italian fleet headed by admiral Persano directed three divisions, himself having the main battle force with 9 ironclads, Albini, the “support” division used to support the landings operations and Admiral Vacca the reserve division composed of wooden ships (seen above). SMS Lissa, an Austro-Hungarian broadside ironclad, was launched in 1869 and named in honor of the battle of Lissa. Instead, the British and French frigate squadrons engaged in a campaign of raids and counter-raids during 1810. The engagement was fought in the Adriatic Sea for possession of the strategically important Croatian island of Vis (Lissa in Italian), from which the British squadron had been disrupting French shipping in the Adriatic. Vizeadmiral von Tegetthoff was the namesake of an Austro-Hungarian center battery ironclad launched in 1878, a class of dreadnought battleships and the lead vessel of that class, launched in 1912. By 06:00, Dubourdieu was approaching the British line from the north-east in two divisions, leading in Favorite at the head of the windward or western division. Battaglia al ponte di Rialto tra patrioti veneti e "giacobini". La battaglia di Lissa nella storia e nella leggenda : la verità sulla campagna navale del 1866 desunta da nuovi documenti e testimonianze. Hoste had raised the message "Remember Nelson" as the French bore down, and had then manoeuvred to drive Dubourdieu's flagship ashore and scatter his squadron in what has been described as "one of the most brilliant naval achievements of the war". Persano cancelled the landings, ordered the fleet into line abreast but having second thoughts, cancelled that order (creating confusion among the Italian commanders) and ordered the fleet into three divisions in a line ahead formation, the same formation as at battles in the age of sail. The officer promised to do so, but instead handed control of the magazine to the British prize crew when they arrived. This exchange continued until the arrival of Active caused the Danaé, Corona and Carolina to sheer off and retreat to the east. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. The French squadron held their fire, Dubourdieu gathering his troops and sailors into Favorite's bow in order to maximise the effect of his initial attack once his flagship came into contact with Amphion. [14] The squadron amassed by Dubourdieu not only outnumbered the British in terms of men and ships, it was also twice as heavy in weight of shot. The genetic history of Italy is greatly influenced by geography and history. [32] Problems were also experienced aboard Bellona, where Captain Duodo planned to ignite the powder magazine and destroy the ship following its surrender. This page was last edited on 13 January 2021, at 18:13. [5] At Schönbrunn, Napoleon made the Illyrian Provinces part of metropolitan France and therefore under direct French rule, unlike the neighbouring Kingdom of Italy which was nominally independent but in reality came under his personal rule. [13], Early in 1811 the raiding campaigns began again, and British attacks along the Italian coast prompted Dubourdieu to mount a second invasion of Lissa. At least 150 had been killed aboard Favorite either in the action or the wreck, and the 200 survivors of her crew and passengers were all made prisoner. The battle occurred as part of the Third War of Italian Independence, in which Italy allied with Prussia in the course of its conflict against Austria. George. Ramming never featured as a viable battle tactic again. A † symbol indicates that the officer was killed during the action or subsequently died of wounds received. [18] Among the dozens killed and wounded were Dubourdieu and all the frigate's officers, leaving Colonel Gifflenga in command of Favorite. [24], Behind Volage and Danaé, the Venetian Corona had engaged Cerberus in a close range duel, during which Cerberus took heavy damage but inflicted similar injuries on the Italian ship. The Italian navy fired roughly 1450 shots during the engagement, but failed to sink any Austrian ship while losing two ironclads. Reply to this topic; Start new topic ; Recommended Posts. [22][34] Nearly four decades later the battle was also recognized in the issue of the clasp Lissa to the Naval General Service Medal, awarded to all British participants still living in 1847. Total French and Italian losses are estimated at no less than 700. English: The Battle of Lissa took place on 20 July 1866 in the Adriatic Sea near the island of Vis (Italian: Lissa) and was a decisive victory for an outnumbered Austro-Hungarian force over a superior Italian force. The Italian fleet under Persano was divided into three divisions: Persano commanded the main battle force with 9 ironclads; his deputy, Albini, commanded a "support" division (engaged mainly in landings); and Admiral Vacca commanded a third "reserve" division with minor wooden ships. In both cases he scored only glancing blows, but these caused serious damage, especially to Palestro, which was dismasted and set afire. Palestro's captain, Cappellini, pulled his ship out of the line. Realising Amphion's difficulty, the officers of Flore, who had made hasty repairs during the conflict between Amphion and Bellona, immediately set sail for the French harbour on Lesina (Hvar), despite having already surrendered. The third one comprised screw gun… The importance of ramming in the battle led to naval designers, over the next 50 years, equipping future warships (especially battleships and cruisers) with ram bows. [11][12] Tegetthoff returned home a hero, was promoted Vizeadmiral, and is considered one of the greatest naval commanders in Austrian history. This put an 18 ft (5.5 m) hole below Re d'Italia's waterline, and she struck her colours and sank two minutes later. La battaglia di Lissa nella storia e nella leggenda; la verità sulla campagna navale del 1866 desunta da nuovi documenti e testimonianze. Modern commentators now take the view that Lissa occurred during a period of weapons development when armour was considerably stronger than the guns available to defeat it. In the Austrian fleet there was enthusiasm but also fear, because the Italian fleet was bigger: 12 ironclads and 19 wooden ships with 641 guns, while the Austrians had only 7 ironclads and 20 wooden ships with 532 guns....When the engagement began, the Italian division Vacca was on a long circuit of the north of Lissa, and so was at first away from the battle. Several of the French ships came at an angle at which they could bring their guns to bear on HMS Cerberus, the rearmost British ship, and both sides were firing regular broadsides at one another. [23][27], Active, the only British ship still in fighting condition, took up pursuit of the retreating enemy and at 12:30 caught the Corona in the channel between Lissa and the small island of Spalmadon. This was compounded, on the Italian side, by poor gunnery and, on the Austrian side, by the fact that a number of their ships (including Ferdinand Max) had been forced to go into battle without their full armament owing to the Prussian embargo. [Alberto Lumbroso] Home. The impact tore off Kaiser's stem and bowsprit, leaving her figurehead embedded in Re di Portogallo. Publication date 1866 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics bub_upload Publisher Torino Collection bncfirenze; europeanlibraries Digitizing sponsor Google Book from the collections of National Central Library of Florence Language Italian. Conegliano (auf venezianisch: Conejàn) ist eine Gemeinde mit 35.276 Einwohnern (Stand 31. According to a tradition dated at least to the time of Virgil's Aeneid and to Livy's Ab Urbe Condita, Padua was founded around 1183 BC by the Trojan prince Antenor.. After the Fall of Troy, Antenor led a group of Trojans and their Paphlagonian allies, the Eneti or Veneti, who lost their king Pylaemenes to settle the Euganean plain in Italy. The fixation on ramming may also have inhibited the development of gunnery. Her captain, Heinrich von Moll,[5] was decapitated by a heavy shell, but his subordinate, Karl Weyprecht, brought the ship back into the fight. She was scrapped between 1893 and 1895. However, Kaiser managed to dodge Affondatore. Dubourdieu possessed not only a significant advantage in ships but also in men, the Italian soldiers aboard giving him the opportunity to overwhelm the British crews if he could board their frigates successfully. The battered Favorite led with an attempt to round Amphion and rake her before catching her in crossfire, as had been Dubourdieu's original intention. According to legend, her captain shot himself after giving the order to strike the colours. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Bătălia de la Lissa (sau bătălia de la Vis; în franceză bataille de Lissa; în italiană battaglia di Lissa; în croată Viška bitka) a fost o confruntare navală dusă între o escadrilă britanică de fregate și o escadrilă mai mare de fregate și nave mai mici franceze și italiene pe 13 martie 1811 în campania din Marea Adriatică ⁠(d) din timpul Războaielor Napoleoniene.