Magnus encouraged Alec to do what was in his heart and to be himself. The demon-possessed Shadowhunters, and eventually possessed Alec, who still held ill feelings toward Jocelyn for her attempt on Jace's life. Isabelle was against the idea, and insisted Alec tell their parents he would refuse.[2]. Durante i libri ella intreccerà una relazione amorosa con Magnus Bane, che però finirà durante Le origini. [6] He became even more livid when Clary insisted on taking her mundane best friend with them. Magnus later revealed that whilst it wasn’t Asmodeus it was a powerful demon corrupting the Ley lines with demonic energy later discovered to be Lilith. Narra la leggenda che i crociati evocarono un angelo. Jace called him because Magnus needed him to save Luke. As a child, Alec used to sit at his father's desk and write memos in crayon, pretending to be the head of the Institute. Pagina Italiana Dedicata a Shadowhunters! [2], When they were around eleven years old, Jace Wayland arrived at the Institute and was taken in by his parents after the death of the boy's father. Through Magnus, he learned that Isabelle had been seeing Raphael for vampire venom. #parabatai #jace e alec #amicizia #shadowhunters #frasi shadowhunters #citazioni shadowhunters #jace herondale #alec lightwood #Città del Fuoco Celeste #cassandra clare #frasi cassandra clare #citazioni cassandra clare #frasi belle #frasi vere #frasi tumblr. Robert Lightwood (father)Maryse Lightwood (mother)Isabelle Lightwood (sister)Max Lightwood (brother)Jace Herondale (adoptive brother)Magnus Bane (husband)Asmodeus (father-in-law)Magnus's mother (mother-in-law) Torn between duty to his family and his budding feelings for Magnus, he told the warlock about his parents' decision to marry him off. To help Clary, they had to help her regain her memory. Hair color: Shadowhunters – Città di ossa, film del 2013 con Lily Collins, regia di Harald Zwart.. Frasi []. «Quando tuo padre rabbrividisce solo a vederti e tua madre si impicca nel fienile, impazzita alla vista di suo figlio?»“, „Ho sempre pensato che l'amore ci rendesse stupidi. —  Cassandra Clare, libro Clockwork Princess, Se questo non è l'inferno, dimmi, ti prego, che cos'è?Shadowhunters, Città di cenere. While expressing his concern to Luke about Jace's state of mind since his discovery of his parentage, Jace escaped with Hodge, intent on going after Valentine. His strict moral code, for a time, compelled him to follow the law to the letter. Alec tried to explain that he did not want Magnus to be in this difficult position of having to lie to his people and that he was trying to avoid an uprising, but Magnus was hurt that Alec had lied, angry at the Clave's unchanging ways, and scared for the safety of his people. Lui non ti aveva mai usato. Magnus answered by saying that it doesn't matter where Alec was because he would always be there for him. Later, Lydia Branwell arrived at the Institute as the Clave's envoy. Furthermore, his feelings for his parabatai and adoptive brother, Jace, gave him another reason to stay in the closet, as romantic relationships between parabatai are forbidden. The pair proceeded to the Hunter's Moon for their date. Later that night, the Shadowhunters and Downworlders of New York celebrated Valentine's death together at the Hunter's Moon. Aldertree told Alec about a werewolf he was in love with when he was back in Idris and how she attacked him out of grief after a demon attack. When they summoned the demon Valak and were forced to relinquish a memory of the one they loved most, the memory that was ripped from him was one of Jace. He was advised to "stay near the surface" and not go too deep while attempting to track Jace, where it would be near impossible to bring him back. Alec is a responsible leader who cares for the well-being of his people and is the current Inquisitor of the Clave. After their declarations, the two kissed in reconciliation and left the party together.[25]. Alexander "Alec" Lightwood-Bane is the brother of Isabelle and Max Lightwood, the parabatai of Jace Herondale, and the husband of the High Warlock of Alicante, Magnus Bane. 23[1] He trained with another Shadowhunter, Preston, but kept losing at kendo training despite his perfect form. Residence: Cassandra Clare, nome d'arte di Judith Rumelt , è una scrittrice statunitense, autrice di romanzi fantasy, nota per i libri che raccontano le avventure degli Shadowhunters, cacciatori di demoni. Alec didn’t care who Magnus’ father was stating that it didn’t change who Magnus was. Maryse wanted to arrange a wedding with a strong Shadowhunter family to help restore their name and thought Alec would adapt and do as he was asked. Raised by a distant mother who placed a lot of expectations on her children, Alec grew up with a strong desire to prove himself worthy, to make his parents proud and bring honor to his family, and to follow rules and orders to the letter. Self-conscious, Alec grew quiet and thoughtful, thinking back to Magnus' loft after their date. When Alec and Isabelle went to Magnus' loft to meet with the others, they walked in just as Camille kissed Magnus. Magnus told Alec he would be safer away from the core but Alec stated he would stay by Magnus’ side no matter what. Things took a turn when their conversation strayed to their pasts. 21-lug-2019 - Esplora la bacheca "Shadowhunters/ Malec" di Chiara Cultrona su Pinterest. Ma sei legato alla storia come se fossi trascinato da una carrozza, e non puoi lasciarla andare o cambiarne il corso […], „Come si poteva, allo stesso tempo, avere il cuore spezzato ed essere felici?“, „Siete mortali, invecchiate, morite – disse la Regina in tono sprezzante.“, „Forse un giorno gli ultimi saranno i primi, ma per ora sono i vanitosi a divertirsi di più.“, „Simon aveva l'aria del bravo ragazzo che ti viene a prendere a casa ed è educato coi tuoi genitori e fa le coccole al tuo cane. 26-may-2020 - Explora el tablero de Mahzun Balansiya "Runes ShadowHunter" en Pinterest. Amare è distruggere. Magnus blurted out that he didn't want Alec to go and Alec replied that he didn't want to go to Alicante without Magnus. Kind: Shadowhunters, Città … AlecAlexander (by Magnus)Big bro / brother (by Izzy) Alive Cosa succede quando Magnus Bane porta al fidanzato Alec Lightwood un bambino abbandonato sui gradini dell’Accademia? Alec and Isabelle were held by one of Valentine's men as Jace was given an ultimatum from Valentine: fight and watch his friends die, or join him and his friends live. Non ho mai pensato alle conseguenze. Alec felt nervous about moving forward with their relationship and asked Isabelle for advice on how to know when the right time to have sex for the first time is. They went to rescue Simon and Clary and witnessed Luke Garroway become alpha, and get fatally wounded with Theo's poison. Ci credevo. […] Una volta pensavo che essere un buon guerriero significasse non voler bene a niente e a nessuno. Magnus agreed, making it clear that it wasn't for them but the greater good. Alec and Aldertree worked together to get to the Institute's roof, where they would be able to manually shut off the Institute's lightning power core. Alec listened and broke the other child's nose. He found her on the way to her old house and accompanied her if only to make sure she didn't get into any more trouble, and they were joined by Simon. Though struggling with deciding between following the rules and preventing any more dishonor from befalling their family, and doing what would be right, Alec eventually decided to go to Magnus's loft, where he lent Magnus his strength to be able to finish healing Luke. The team was successful, and Jace made it to Alec just before Alec completely faded away. When Luke called their attention for a case of a demon attack they got a call for at the NYPD, Alec was paired with Clary to investigate the immediate area. Poche briciole ai Lightwood, a Isabelle e ad Alec, e mi ci sono voluti anni… Ma, Clary, dalla prima volta che ti ho vista, io ti sono appartenuto completamente. Shadowhunter Jace, invece, sembrava il tipo di ragazzo che viene a casa tua e le dà fuoco. After Alec heard that Max got in trouble with their father, Alec pushed to know what it was that Robert knew. Unisciti a noi. When Magnus said he feels the same, they exchanged a kiss.[22]. Le origini - La principessa dall'archivio di Frasi Celebri .it At one point, Magnus sent Alec a fire-message, asking him to urgently go to his loft for an emergency. Alec takes his duty extremely seriously and often steps in front of others to keep them safe, instinctively putting others ahead of himself and taking responsibility for and of others, regardless of whether he finds them agreeable or not. As the eldest of Lightwood siblings, Alec has a very serious, cautious and by-the-book demeanor, answering to the Clave for reports and missions, following every law and every rule. GALLERY, –Alec relating his own situation to Jace's, Malec. Alec went to Magnus to get away from the Institute for a while. He noted that she looked unwell but she brushed him off and went on to encourage him to take the next step if he felt that it was right. La ragazza dietro le lettere scarabocchiate. Unfortunately, word got around and Magnus confronted Alec about the lie shortly after. Magnus opened up to Alec about his past, and Alec assured Magnus that there was nothing ugly about him and held him, causing for Magnus to stop hiding from his pain now that he had admitted it. Ti ho amato dal momento in cui le ho lette. Out of fear for his sister, Alec got angry at Magnus for not letting him know about the yin fen, although Magnus himself had not known and told him as soon as he did. By the time they got to the shores of the lake, Valentine was dead and Jace was fine. Maryse pointed out that in his attempts to perfect his techniques, he became predictable, and thus needed to step outside of the rules and break form to surprise his opponent. Senza la Mortal Cup ci stiamo estinguendo. Frasi di “Shadowhunters - Città di ossa” 13 citazioni. Letteralmente. Parabatai: After the girl's mother was kidnapped, Jace rescued her and took her back to the Institute—another decision Alec highly disapproved of. Just as Alec was beginning to leave, he stopped and reconsidered, deciding that he didn't care about their differences. Magnus asked Alec to accompany him to a party being thrown at the house of Lorenzo Rey, the new High Warlock of Brooklyn. His clothing style is generally conservative, and he wears mostly black, sometimes incorporates neutral colors into his wardrobe. He found Leigh with a newborn warlock and asked about Clary's whereabouts. —  Cassandra Clare, libro Shadowhunters - Città di vetro, Jem CarstairsShadowhunters – Le origini, La principessa, —  Cassandra Clare, libro Clockwork Prince. Alicante, IdrisNew York Institute in Manhattan, New York City (former) [10], Despite Alec's objections about interfering with Downworlder business, Jace insisted on helping Luke for Clary. Meanwhile, Isabelle and the others made an arrangement with Camille to get the Book of the White to wake Clary's mother. He learned that the Clave had lied and did not have the Soul-Sword. "Look who's talking. ' He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw that it was Magnus, and embraced him tightly in relief. Portrayed by Matthew Daddario Alec Lightwood-Bane Il loro legame non si riflette solo nella loro vicinanza e disponibilità a dare la vita l'uno per l'altro, ma anche nel giuramento, uno prestato davanti al Consiglio . Pessimi Cacciatori. Alec was further infuriated when Aldertree called a kill order on Jace. At the end of the night, Jace showed up at Magnus's apartment and asked if he could sleep there, having been indirectly kicked out of the Institute by Aldertree.[19]. With some urging, Leigh told Alec that Iris regularly took her memories and those of the other women who bore warlock children for her. With his role as the head of the Institute, Alec now dresses more professionally particularly when not doing field work, during which he would still don Shadowhunter gear. He'd do it for me. “You're pining," said Jace. During a routine demon-hunting mission—one not sanctioned by the Clave, much to Alec's disapproval—the group encountered a girl at the Pandemonium. Before their parabatai ceremony, Alec realized that he had developed romantic feelings for Jace and began to have second thoughts, but he was convinced by Isabelle to go through with the ceremony. — Tu non puoi decidere dove vado o quando ci vado. Jimbob Daddario directioner Herondale-Blackthorn(Admin), Wiz Herondale-Carstairs(Discussion Moderator), Joy Potter Cullen Diggory Jackson(Trial Discussion Moderator), Broadway Blackthorn1234(Content Moderator), Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments characters, Eventually, after waking up for the fourth time in a row to an empty bed, Alec insisted to Magnus that whatever it was that was bothering him, Alec was there for him and that he loved him. Non ho mai osato dare tanto di me a nessuno, prima d'ora. Biographical Information Isabelle eventually struck a deal with Aldertree, that should he allow them to try to save Alec, she would deliver Jace to him. Magnus worried that Alec would get scared off if they moved too fast, but Alec reassured Magnus that this was what he wanted. An intimate moment between them was disrupted by noises of Jace's own, and even after attempts of ignoring it, they had to ultimately postpone their plans due to Alec's duties. Known relatives: 17- Quando sei impulsivo, le cose finiscono male. [24], When Max was found injured in the Institute, Alec put the place on lock-down in order to find Jonathan, who had been hiding among them all this time. While Alec worked on this Cabinet to rebuild relations between Downworlders and Shadowhunters, his relationship with Magnus was going through some changes. Alec and Isabelle returned to the Institute, in time for Robert and Max's return. [3], An experience from when he was ten years old stuck with him through adulthood. Before Magnus, Alec had never been in a real romantic relationship. Mi dicevo che in realtà lo facevo, che tu volevi che lo facessi, e così ci ho provato, ma era inutile. TRAMA. 42 notes. 15- Centinaia di Shadowhunters erano soliti cercare asilo qui, ma come puoi vedere, ora siamo gli unici. He is the older brother of Isabelle and Max. Jace's presence brought Alec back, and the pair recited their parabatai oath. Male For Alec and Magnus's next dates, the couple Portaled to other countries, including Japan, where they went to Japan and the Czech Republic, where they went to Prague. [11], After Maryse returned from Idris to tell Isabelle and Alec that the unsanctioned missions at the Institute had shamed the Lightwood name, Alec felt that it was partly his fault for allowing Jace to pursue Clary, knowing it would break several rules. – Se questo non è l'inferno, dimmi, ti prego, che cos'è?“, „Non credere mai che il cattivo sia morto prima di averne visto il corpo. Alec pointedly did not respond to any of them, as not only was he still conflicted over his feelings, particularly over Jace, but he was also not used to the attention and was still convinced that he should remain in the closet. I worked really hard so I hope you love it! Eri debole. Jace, invece, sembrava il tipo di ragazzo che viene a casa tua e le dà fuoco.“. They later attended the Rite of Mourning for the fallen Shadowhunters, including Jocelyn, and Silent Brothers.[18]. Although Alec did not trust her at first he began to understand her better after learning about the circumstances surrounding her late fiancé. 11 talking about this. —  Cassandra Clare, libro Shadowhunters - Città del fuoco celeste, —  Cassandra Clare, libro Shadowhunters - Città di ossa. Buongiorno, Shadowhunters! Alec was 22 at the beginning of the series: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Oh, she's my sister. After the Soul-Sword was activated and killed the werewolves, seelies, and vampires that teamed up in an attack against Valentine, Alec rushed to the location of destruction. I cuori si infrangono. They ordered drinks and played pool, where Alec later realized that Magnus had been letting him win. Ed è ancora così. Le frasi più belle di Shadowhunters ... -No, Alec- disse Isabelle irritata- Voglio dire che è un ratto. While Alec had previously dismissed Camille's comments about his budding relationship with Magnus, he made it known that the thought stuck with him, bringing up in a conversation with Magnus that he felt that Camille was right and that Magnus would watch those he loved grow old and die.[14]. Alec is gay but was in denial and reluctant to admit this to himself for years due to the pressure on him. Jace Herondale Alec told him that he never had to pretend how he felt and the two moved onto talking about Alec's job offer in Idris. Worried about his dying little brother, Alec called Magnus who did not answer. He searched the house for Iris and, upon finding her, confronted her. After meeting Magnus, Alec has chosen what would make him happy and is now proudly dating a man, and he has since grown more comfortable with himself. Shadowhunters - Città degli angeli caduti, Shadowhunters - Città delle anime perdute, „Ti ho amata in maniera incosciente dal momento in cui ti ho conosciuta. [7], Alec continued to call out Jace for his recent impulsive decisions regarding Clary. Lydia Branwell (ex-fiancée) “I don't care," Clary said. " The connection between the pair since their first meeting was undeniable, and Alec was both pleased and baffled by the flirtatious comments Magnus kept sending in his direction. He tried to get Isabelle to leave with him, however, she refused, and claimed he had not noticed anything was wrong with her in the first place.[21]. During the absence of his parents, Alec was often automatically appointed as the acting head of the Institute. Isabelle brought the victim's body to the Institute to study, unwittingly giving the demon access to the Institute. Buonasera, Shadowhunters! He demanded that they contact the Clave for help in rescuing the kidnapped Simon Lewis—Clary's mundane friend—but was easily swayed when Jace insisted that they could take care of it on their own, though Alec was still skeptical. Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane [5] In the bedroom, they were momentarily halted when Magnus felt his glamour slip away, revealing his warlock mark. While he was distracted, Clary and Simon were taken by the New York werewolf pack under Theo's leadership. "Lo so", aveva risposto Magnus. The eldest curses TRADUTTORE: Sara Puggioni EDITORE: Mondadori GENERE: Young adult. When Jocelyn approached the Lightwood siblings with a way of tracking Jace by using an adamas stone, Alec initially refused, not trusting Jocelyn after her attempt on Jace's life. AUTORE: Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan TITOLO: Nascono alcuni ad infinita notte.Le cronache dell’Accademia Shadowhunters EDITORE: Mondadori GENERE: Fantasy. Alec's guilt over Jocelyn's death still weighed on him, and the spell caused him to hallucinate Clary blaming him for it, voicing what he feared about the incident. Jace arrived, and when they failed to track Clary's whereabouts even though their parabatai tracking, Jace angrily blamed him for not watching Clary, and Alec retorted that he's blinded by his feelings for her. When something is wrong, there's little he wouldn't do to put things right. La trovi in Altre frasi d'Amore. Gender: The girl was later revealed to be a Shadowhunter unaware of the Shadow World. Visualizza altre idee su Cacciatori di ombre, Shadowhunters, Malec. Tu eri una mondana. The pair shared drinks after the ordeal,[2] and Alec ended up sleeping on Magnus's couch. ;D Beh, non […] Continua → Alec. He's observant and will often notice when someone he cares about is going through something, usually expressing concern when he does. He has a large Deflect rune on the left side of his neck. The Mortal Instrument: Shadowhunters - Città di cenere è un romanzo fantasy di Cassandra Clare, pubblicato il 25 marzo 2008 negli Stati Uniti e il 9 settembre 2008 in italiano. […] E poi ho incontrato te. Un parabatai è una coppia di Nephilim guerrieri che combattono insieme come partner per tutta la vita, legati insieme da giuramento, indipendentemente dal loro sesso. Alec was certain his leadership would be taken away, but it was his father who arrived and told him he would get to keep his place as Head of the Institute due to some information he possessed that allowed him to get the Clave to agree. Hazel L'angelo Raziel. Later on, Alec went to the hospital with Izzy and Jace to speak with Catarina in the hopes that she would be able to shed some light on the most recent case of demon possession by Lilith which affected a nurse called Tim Dempsey. Ultimamente abbiamo combattuto una grande guerra che ha evitato la catastrofe a tutto il genere umano. The group went back to the Institute in preparation to wake Clary's mother. They ended up having to sneak out of the Institute without weapons and instead gathered them from a cache in a cemetery. „Siete mortali, invecchiate, morite – disse la Regina in tono sprezzante. madeinsicilyworld99. [20], After Magnus sent Iris to the Clave, and Jace and Clary revealed what Valentine's plan with the Soul-Sword was, Alec showed signs of worrying for Magnus and the other Downworlders that lived in New York, taking responsibility for their safety. Allora ho capito. Physical Description Increasingly bothered, Alec insisted that she take him to Iris's office, but the two were gone when they came. Magnus had to stop Alec's fist with his magic to hold him back. Isabelle and Jace arrived, and they found Clary safe and sound. However, his desperation to find Jace eventually convinced him to agree, despite the heavy risk on his life. Alec shrugged. Alec Lightwood (24741) Magnus Bane (23686) Jace Wayland (11676) Isabelle Lightwood (11300) Clary Fray (8570) Simon Lewis (7892) Raphael Santiago (4534) Maryse Lightwood (3258) Catarina Loss (3015) Luke Garroway (2516) Include Relationships Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood (23172) Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood (2749) Clary Fray/Jace Wayland (2586) When Maryse and Max arrived at the Institute in preparation for Max's Rune Ceremony, Alec, being the eldest male in their family in light of Robert's absence, was put in charge of planning the party. E c'è una bellezza che solo la brevità procura.“, „Ora guardo i miei fratelli che spalancano le porte dei loro cuori e penso: Ma siete pazzi? Magnus Portaled them to Idris to look for Jace and Clary and arrived just after Valentine had summoned the Angel Raziel, though they landed some distance from Lake Lyn. Alec delightedly picked up Madzie when she ran over to them but before Magnus could reply to Catarina he had noticed tremors. Jace, not wanting the responsibility, eventually assigned Alec as Head of the Institute, helping him realize a life long dream. Magnus and Alec preparing to track Jace with his rune. Raziel versò il suo sangue in una coppa e chi ne bevve diventò metà angelo e metà umano. Ma ho visto quanto amavi tua madre, quanto amavi Simon… Ho visto che eri pronta ad andare all'inferno per salvarli. Occupation: When Maryse insisted that Alec forget about Jace, he accused her of only wanting to protect herself and her deteriorating reputation by giving up on Jace so easily. Madzie protected Alec, telling her "godmother" to stop, and Iris chose to escape and Portal away with Madzie, but not before reminding Alec that Clary still owed her. When a rift to Edom was opened in New York, releasing a horde of flying demons, Isabelle convinced Alec to ask Magnus for help, recognizing that they needed the help of the most powerful warlock in the city, even though Alec was reluctant as Magnus had made it clear that he no longer wanted anything to do with him. Eye color: 1994 Alec was seemingly stunned that Magnus hadn't told him how he had been feeling. Alec. In occasione del compleanno di Alec, Cassie ha deciso di caricare uno snippet di RSoM e una fanart (realizzata da Cassandra Jean)… e più tardi pubblicherà anche un altro estratto. He approached her carefully, and before using her gills, her warlock mark, to suck the oxygen out of the air and killing the Shadowhunters, she knocked Alec into a nearby elevator and closed the door to keep him safe. Ti amo ancora“, „Baciami — implorò, e lui lo fece, ardenti baci lenti e languidi che accelerarono insieme al battito del suo cuore, mentre i movimenti dei loro corpi uno contro l’altro si facevano sempre più veloci. When chided by the boy's mother, he simply took it, knowing it would make his mother proud to see him accept consequences for his actions. Alec grew more impatient with the number of unsanctioned outings and contact with Downworlders they were having. -Cosa ne facciamo, Maxwell?- chiese Isabelle. As other Warlocks became sick from the demonic corruption, Alec came up with a plan to use the Angelic core to purify the ley lines. Poche briciole ai Lightwood, a Isabelle e ad Alec, e mi ci sono voluti anni… Ma, Clary, dalla prima volta che ti ho vista, io ti sono appartenuto completamente. E mi sono reso conto di essere io quello debole. Magnus told Alec that as a leader, he had responsibilities, and he could not both have Alec in his life and keep his people safe. Magnus congratulated him and brushed off Alec's worries of moving to Idris by telling him that he's only a portal away. Io sarò sempre un soldato ma tu sei un leader, Alec (Jace nomina Alec capo dell’istituto – Shadowhunters, seconda stagione). When they found him, Alec stopped Jace from killing him. Magnus worried that Alec would be disgusted, but Alec simply found it beautiful, and the couple slept together.[11]. Alec therefore proposed to Lydia, and she accepted. Alec ha perduto suo fratello e io il mio amico, e … He was also worried about Isabelle, and went to Aldertree, confronting him about how she hadn't been acting the same since the mission to the Iron Sisters. After switching bodies with Valentine due to Azazel's spell and being tortured by the Inquisitor, Magnus began to pull away from Alec.