She returned to guest star in the second part of Season 5 and played one of Allison's ancestors. Derek and his older sister Laura left Beacon Hills for New York soon after. His eyes as a werewolf are blue, because as the Kanima he took innocent lives (regardless of his intent); Derek, Peter, and the twins Ethan and Aiden share this feature. Scott tombe sous le charme d’Allison Argent, une nouvelle au lycée. However, with Scott and Stiles' help in the following episode "More Bad than Good", Malia Tate is found alive and he reunites her with her father and Stilinski closes the case. [3] Hoechlin later returned to the show in the second part of the sixth season in a guest capacity. He was helping a girl who was caught in a car accident. He is then advised that to counterbalance the burden he now has on his shoulders, he should save someone's life instead of taking one and that he'll start to feel better by forgiving himself. Afterward, Ken has the shard reshaped into a shuriken and Noshiko presents her with the star, and Kira realizes the shuriken is her first Kitsune Tail. At her best, Allison is strong-willed and immensely loyal to her loved ones, going to great lengths to protect them. Another Oni runs her through with its sword. In "Illuminated" it's revealed Stiles was who left the message telling serial killer William Barrow to kill Kira Yukimura though he doesn't know why or even remembers it. Scott later takes his mom's advice to bring hope for his Pack. Dans la deuxième partie de la cinquième saison, Scott voudra récupérer sa meute et essayera de se faire pardonner auprès de Stiles. In Season 6B, Scott is faced with the threat of all-out war, as it is revealed in "Said the Spider to the Fly" that when he, Malia and Lydia opened the door for Stiles to escape the Wild Hunt, a supernatural creature the Wild Hunt had imprisoned an unspecified amount of time ago, known as the Anuk-Ite, used the opportunity to escape as well. Two years later, Stiles is seen with Scott, Lydia, Malia, Derek, Liam, and a beta named Alec planning to stop Monroe and the hunters. She is portrayed by Holland Roden. In "Dreamcatcher", Malia receives a photo of a carnage caused by the Desert Wolf from Braeden through Stiles. She's shocked further when it is revealed Scott is a werewolf at the school formal. Lors du dernier épisode, Kate sera mise en fuite, ses acolytes éliminés, et sera traquée par Chris Argent et une autre famille de chasseurs, les Calaveras. In the penultimate episode of Season 3, when he shows Allison how to cast a silver arrowhead to graduate as a hunter, Allison takes the time to tell Argent she loves him and she's proud of what they've accomplished. Scott attempts to rescue him, but Liam is thrown over the hospital roof. In "Superposition", Liam is blunt with Mason about his distrust in Corey, he questions where Corey was when they fought Sebastien Valet or why he was loyal to Theo for such a long period of time. Later, after using his natural intelligence to rescue Lydia from a steel jaw trap and helping to reunite the werecoyote Malia Tate with her father, Stiles' symptoms are cured. She is a Banshee, a Werewolf and a Semi-Original Vampire, making her one of the Semi-Original Hybrids. In "Superposition", Stiles' voice is heard in Lydia's mind when her subconscious relives the memory of Stiles being taken by the Ghost Riders. Hypnotisée, Lydia revoit des souvenirs d'elle et Stiles, mais surtout un : celui où elle l'embrasse pour calmer sa crise de panique. Liam enters the supernatural world when he's attacked, held hostage by Sean Walcott, a wendigo. In the Season 3 finale, the hospital is attacked by the Oni, and Melissa makes Rafael promise her, if she doesn't make it, he is to make things up with Scott. In the Season 1 finale, "Code Breaker", he regrets turning Scott over to the Argents, and helps Scott, Allison and Stiles defeat the Alpha werewolf, Peter Hale. Il marque les trois buts menant les Cyclones BHHS (son équipe de crosse) au championnat. Dans la deuxième partie de la sixième saison, il sera de retour pour donner de l'aide à Scott et à la meute. He later talks to Claudia that someone should write a paper on how she survived the frontotemporal dementia, but she shoots him down and instead talks about replacing the wallpaper Lydia had damaged. Unable to deal with it, Malia doesn't tell anyone. The Pack keeps Malia in the dark that Peter Hale is her biological father, to protect her from the sociopathic werewolf. Finalement, on découvre que ce qu'il veut vraiment est que Scott les rejoigne car il a une chance de devenir un vrai Alpha mais, comme Derek, l’adolescent refuse. Due to his tragic experiences, Derek became angry, sullen, misanthropic, cynical, defensive and mistrustful. Son meilleur ami s'appelle Stiles Stilinski, c'est le fils du shérif. Liam is Scott's first true Beta. Dans la sixième saison, plusieurs mois se sont écoulés, Stiles et Malia sont restés amis et ne semblent plus approuver aucun sentiment l'un pour l'autre et elle est devenue très proche de Lydia. Mel Martin (born 1947) is an English actor. By Season 3, Lydia has been brought up to speed on the supernatural, has matured and come to care deeply for Scott and Stiles. Under Meredith's coaching, while simultaneously predicting the carnage in Beacon Hills due to Beast of Gévaudan and predicting Malia's death at the hands of the Desert Wolf, Lydia succeeds in finding her voice. Derek suspecte Lydia d’être le kanima, il décide alors de la tuer. Amongst the enmity of Theo's Chimera Pack, and the bloodshed caused by the Dread Doctors' success, the Beast of Gévaudan, Scott ultimately pulls everyone back together including fixing his friendship with Stiles, slowly coming to forgive Liam and reuniting with Kira. Il sait que le médecin (le Dr Valack) va pratiquer une trépanation (trou dans le crane pour amplifier ses pouvoirs). Au début de la troisième saison, Allison revient de quatre mois passés en France dans la maison de ses ancêtres. Elle découvre que Corine, sa mère, souhaite la tuer pour récupérer les pouvoirs qu'elle lui a transmis en la mettant au monde. Lydia gives him the first clue that he has a son by spotting Stiles' lacrosse jersey in the room and tossing it to him. On arrival at the bunker, she pleads with Parrish to awaken but he doesn't and she's erased. Après que le Shérif réussi à se souvenir de Stiles, la meute réalise qu'ils doivent se souvenir de lui afin de créer une faille pour qu'il puisse s'échapper. The Anuk-Ite creates fear those it encounters, and uses that fear to sustain itself. Mellisa, Stilinski and Scott's issues with Rafael are revealed in "Insatiable": when they were married, Rafael used to be a heavy drinker. In violation of her agreement with her father, she begins to help Scott and Derek's Pack fight the Alpha Pack. Lorsqu'elle s'est prise dans un piège de chasseur, Stiles parvient à la sauver en arrivant à le désamorcer. Une nuit de pleine lune, Scott cherche un endroit où s’enfermer et trouve la maison des Lahey vide. Argent initially refuses saying Scott's world "decimated his". She helps Scott the others with their plan to help Jennifer, the Darach, escape the Alphas (Jennifer had poisoned Cora and kidnapped Stilinski for leverage), but Jennifer double-crosses them and kidnaps Melissa. She finds herself in the school library, where each book represents a memory. She is then bitten by alpha werewolf Peter Hale. Derek propose alors à Scott de rejoindre sa meute afin d’augmenter leur pouvoir, mais celui-ci refuse. They both realise that it's Peter Hale who had escaped from the train station. Plus tard, il est révélé que Stiles se trouve dans une station de train, où il retrouve Peter Hale, lui aussi capturé par les Cavaliers Fantômes quelques mois auparavant. You're a werewolf. Realizing that Scott's dishonesty was to protect her, Allison kisses Scott and tells him she loves him. In "Illuminated", it is shown that Kira radiates an aura that is shaped like a bipedal fox, flaring around her like armor. Her mother Natalie has Lydia moved to Eichen House which has been usurped by an escaped Valack in disguise. Lorsque le shérif se souvient de Stiles, la meute réalise qu'ils doivent se souvenir de lui afin de créer une faille pour le sauver. Melissa comes into contact with the supernatural, witnessing a shapeshifted Derek Hale fight the Kanima, and finally sees Scott as a werewolf. In "The Sword and the Spirit", Kira is advised by her father Ken to use her mind as a weapon instead of the sword and she'll "outfox the Fox" as a new solution to control the Spirit, dismantling her mystical belt-sword. In "Riddled", Stiles comes face to face with the Trickster in his visions asking the riddle, "Everyone has it, but no one can lose it", which Stiles, eventually replies: "shadow". Lorsqu’il était au lycée, Derek fréquentait Kate Argent la fille de Gérard qui essaye de le tuer dans la saison 6 et ignorait complètement qu’elle sortait avec lui seulement pour se rapprocher de sa famille, venant d’une famille de chasseurs de loups-garous. As the dangers escalate, Scott reveals he'd instigated a constructed plan in motion weeks in advance to put a stop to the collected villains: having a repentant Deucalion undermine Theo, preventing the sociopathic Chimera from stealing the Beast's power, as well as conspiring with Argent to double cross Gerard after securing the information and means to vanquish the Beast which succeeds, including saving Mason. As the town becomes threatened by the Kanima, he sets out to kill it to prevent it from killing even more innocent lives. The Kitsune traps them in an alternate dimension at the school and are surrounded by the Oni. Ella es también uno de los estudiantes más de moda y populares en Beacon Hills High School. She is saddened that Meredith has committed suicide out of fear. Dans l'épisode 17 de cette dernière saison, on apprend qu'il vit désormais a Londres avec son compagnon Ethan le jumeau d'Aiden qui, lui, est décédé... Dans le dernier épisode de la sixième saison, on découvre qu'il est en fait, devenu un hybride mi loup garou, mi kanima. She finds paperwork in the jeep which she presents to the Sheriff and Claudia. In Season 4, Scott is trying to come to terms with Allison's death. He is later injured by the Ghost Riders while trying to protect several people who saw the Ghost Riders at Scott's house. Scott and Kira finally go on their first date. Jackson Whittemore is the-captain of the Beacon Hills lacrosse team and the captain of the school's swim team. In "Smoke and Mirrors" Argent and Parrish, along with the Calaveras arrive at La Iglesia and face off against Kate and her Berserker. To keep her in the dark, Scott affirms this. Allison décide alors de sortir avec Matt à un concert, mais elle découvre à la fin de la soirée qu’il possède de nombreuses photos d’elle. You're a werewolf. Liam Dunbar est interprété par Dylan Sprayberry et sa voix est doublé en français par Fabrice Trojani. He vehemently argues the girl is murder, it is his job to investigate within the parameters of the law and although his son along with Scott's Pack combat threats outside the law, they're not above it. Later on however, because Stiles was almost murdered by Brunski, their Eichen House bill is dropped as a gesture of apology. Stiles blamed himself for her death and secretly fears that his father blames him. In "Status Asthmaticus", after Scott is killed by Theo Raeken, Melissa persistently applies CPR. At Lydia's lake house, Scott's Pack meet with Liam, attempt to gain his trust and debrief him of their supernatural species. He is next seen late in season six, when he is revealed to be in a same-sex relationship with Ethan Steiner, another werewolf. Se muestra como una persona fría y superficial, pero en su relación con Jackson Whittemore se demostró que en verdad podría llegar a preocuparse y e… In "Apotheosis", Stiles arrives at the McCall house to pass on a plan from Scott to Malia to take down her mother. The werewolf pegs Argent to the sewer wall through a rebar, then bends it, trapping him. He eventually follows her lead but becomes upset, horrified when she falls under Gerard's influence. Dans la deuxième saison, Stiles mène Scott et Allison à la recherche de Lydia qui a mystérieusement disparu de l’hôpital. Kira has also become completely integrated with the Pack, becoming close friends with Lydia and Malia, wanting to use her abilities to protect people in Beacon Hills. Liam drives Kira's sword into the ground, releasing Theo. With her claws out, she plans to finish him off, but Scott and Liam intervene. He was born in 1994 to Noah and Claudia Stilinski and grew up in Beacon Hills, California. In "Sundowning", Stilinski tells Scott and Lydia that "Stiles" is not a thing, but a person. Dans la quatrième saison, Malia apprend grâce à Scott à gérer sa vie de « coyote-garou ». With Kira's help, she keeps him and the twins at bay whilst they are under the Nogitsune's control. Sean has Scott's arms pinned, so to save Liam from falling to his death, Scott catches Liam with his fangs, Biting him, transforming Liam into his first Beta. Although Stiles still had a crush on Lydia, this seems to ignite his deep feelings for her yet again, which may now obviously be somewhat mutual. Who wouldn't want to have a small army of muscular, shirtless men at your beck and call? Argent tearfully admits he won't kill his sister, but wonders is she even worth saving. Lors de la troisième saison, quelques mois se sont écoulés, elle n'est plus avec Jackson qui est parti à Londres et connaît désormais tout de l'activité surnaturelle de Beacon Hills. In Season 3B, Derek, now an omega werewolf once again, is on a mission with Peter in Mexico to retrieve his mother, Talia's claws which are in the possession of the Calavera family and had Cora go into hiding. Kira is distrustful of her mom and is further baffled when Noshiko reveals that she is actually 900 years old. Devastated, Scott kisses Allison's forehead. They're saved by Peter who allows himself to be erased, giving them the chance to run. Le kanima faisant encore des victimes, Scott et Stiles décident de piéger la créature, mais celle-ci parvient à s’enfuir. His uncle Peter came up with the idea of turning her into a werewolf so they could be together long term. En voulant sauver Lydia, sa meilleure amie Allison se fait tuer par un Oni. Liam transferred to Beacon Hills High after being kicked out of Devonford Prep because he'd vandalized his lacrosse coach's car. After returning to Beacon Hills, Derek uses the claws in a ritual to communicate with Talia his late mother. Il est né et a grandi à Beacon Hills auprès de sa famille. In "Amplification", as part of the plan to break Lydia out of Eichen, Kira draws power from the electrical grid which overloads her, causing her Fox Spirit to periodically jump out. In "Muted", Scott is forced to Bite Liam Dunbar, to save Liam from falling to his death, transforming Liam into his first true Beta. He is however shaken when he discovers she is actually alive, having been brought back to life by Theo. Lydia believes her best friend is still with them. He and Hayden then discover that Theo remembers Stiles, convincing them to keep Theo above ground. Lydia Martin is one of the main character who is the minor antagonistof the supernatural drama Teen Wolf. Jackson est un lycéen de Beacon Hills, lors de la première saison, il est capitaine de l’équipe de crosse. Liam manages to control himself when Stiles has him recite Satomi's mantra. He manages to divert the train, saving everyone in Beacon Hills and watches the Ghost Riders leave Beacon Hills, but not before turning Garrett Douglas into a Ghost Rider. They come to the school and destroy the remaining Oni with the arrowheads avenging Allison. Chris Argent les surprend ensemble et menace alors Scott de le tuer s’il fréquente encore sa fille. In "Lunar Ellipse", Scott and Derek defeat the Darach, and Scott fully awakens his True Alpha power. In "Formality", Melissa helps Scott get ready for the school formal and tells him "Women love words", giving her son the confidence he needs to tell Allison both he loves her, and that he's a werewolf. Stilinski has been taking notes of Stiles' growing symptoms and has him undergo a test for the same disease that killed Claudia. Tout au long de cette dernière saison, la femme téméraire qu'elle est devenue s'est rapprochée du personnage principal de la série, Scott Mccall. Scott explains that they're looking for someone named "Stiles" but due to his dementia, Elias mistakes Scott for his son. Lorsqu’ils retournent dans la maison des Hale, ils trouvent un symbole sur la porte d’entrée signifiant l’arrivée d’une meute d’« Alphas ». In Season 3, Stilinski has a murder spree on his hands, this time committed by the Darach. After he received his training, Parrish served a two-year tour in Afghanistan, where he he worked to defuse improvised explosive devices. À la fête de son anniversaire, elle drogue inconsciemment ses invités avec de l'aconite tue-loup et paralyse Derek, puis elle le traîne jusqu’à la maison des Hale où se déroule un rituel ramenant Peter Hale à la vie, ce dernier ayant utilisé Lydia contre son gré pour ressusciter. She is a high school student and a banshee. He begins to think that maybe what Scott and Lydia have been telling him was true. Dans la quatrième saison elle fera partie de l'équipe de crosse du lycée, c'est la seule fille à l'heure actuelle à avoir fait partie de cette équipe. Derek leaves town with Cora for South America with the weight of his previous alpha werewolf responsibilities lifted from his shoulders. Stilinski stammers, with a growing frustration over having to obscure supernatural aspects in his cases, saying "There is a line we have to draw", but reluctantly acquiesces. Dans la première saison, Allison Argent est la nouvelle venue au lycée de Beacon Hills. Elle rencontre pour la première fois une autre Banshee, Meredith Walker. Argent questions him on the Dread Doctors knowing his father has information. Using her banshee talents, Lydia learns the computer code comprises the Dead Pool, a hit list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills as well as the first cipher key to decode the list: ALLISON. In "Ghosted", Lydia has a dream of a Ghost Rider attack on a town. Deaton counters he'd be holding a press conference announcing the existence of the supernatural. Au fil des épisodes, il aide Scott à s’adapter à sa nouvelle nature, et ce au péril de sa vie car Scott, ne sachant pas se contrôler lorsqu’il est transformé, essaie de tuer Stiles. À l’arrivée d’Allison au lycée, elles deviennent tout de suite amies. It is revealed that Malia reciprocates Scott's feelings, and they share their first kiss in "Triggers", and consummate their relationship in "Genotype". Noah Stilinski (primarily referred to as Sheriff Stilinski) is Stiles's father and the sheriff of Beacon Hills. After being taught by Peter Hale, Scott uses an Alpha's power to meld minds and enter Stiles' mind with Lydia. He later attempts to pay her back. He is revived by Melissa and the supermoon's power. He wants to find Stiles but with someone they at least trust. Scott, worried for Melissa, hides the duffel bag full of Dead Pool money, paid to the assassin Garrett, in his room, hoping it could solve their financial crunch. Lydia Martin is Beacon Hills High's most popular student, a member of Scott's Pack, the former love interest of both Jackson Whittemore and the werewolf Aiden, Allison Argent's best friend, and (revealed in Season 3 episode "The Girl Who Knew Too Much") is a banshee. She promises Scott she will return, hands him her shuriken Tail to keep it safe for her and gives him a kiss goodbye, leaving the Pack for a second time. Ella es también, al igual que la mayoría d… Lydia Camille-Grace Martin ist eine Banshee. In "Riders on the Storm", the Sheriff is briefly reunited with Stiles before giving him cover so that Stiles could escape. In "Riders on the Storm", Scott is informed by Liam that everyone has been taken and they discover train tracks across town, (This is caused by Garrett Douglas using Corey to merge the phantom world with the real world). En réalité on découvre que Théo veut juste tuer Scott et devenir l’Alpha. Later, due to her deal with the skinwalkers, Kira returns to Shiprock, New Mexico to be taught how to fully navigate her Fox Spirit. À la fin de la saison, Scott et Stiles, très surpris et perplexes, découvrent qu'elle ne guérit pas de la morsure de Peter et qu'elle n'est donc pas devenue un loup-garou. Dans la deuxième partie de la sixième saison, il se rapproche de Malia et éprouve des sentiments pour elle. [4][5] After appearing in a recurring capacity in the first five seasons, Linden Ashby, Melissa Ponzio and J.R. Bourne were all upgraded to series regulars for the final season.[6]. Derek and Malia later seek out the Pack of Satomi Ito after finding out they are on the Deadpool. Cet incendie est l’événement majeur dans la vie du jeune homme, ce qui explique son comportement durant toute la première saison de la série. Il a en tête de devenir Capitaine de l'équipe de crosse maintenant que le coach a dit à l'équipe que tous les postes étaient à redéfinir. In "Ouroboros", Kira goes into a trance leading to route 115. When Gerard comes out with his plan all along was to get the Bite to cure his cancer, having the Kanima threaten Allison's life to this end, Argent is incensed at his father's betrayal after he'd pushed for Victoria's suicide all while what he was planning to do and now threatening Allison's life, branding his father a monster.