Episodio 4.2: Dopo aver sconfitto i Borg, l'equipaggio dell'Enterprise sperimenta il congedo dalla riva in vari modi. "È meno simile a un'alleanza e più a quello che accade quando un gruppo soggioga l'altro", ha detto. Similar reasoning would also explain how Ramdha recognizes Soji as Seb-Cheneb - her Romulan side knows the myth, but her Borg enhancements recognize Data's daughter as the leader who will break their chains. More: Star Trek: What Happened When Picard & Spock Met In The Next Generation. Star Trek: Picard revealed previously that the Romulans attained their Borg Cube when a Scout Ship from the Romulan empire was attacked by Borg and its occupants were assimilated. The main feature of the Borg as life forms is their mixture of organic and artificial life - Borg drones are created by "assimilating" organic matter with technological enhancements and a connection to a hive mind. Quindi puoi immaginare mia cara che ho una conoscenza molto speciale dei borg e so come combatterli. The Borg Cube/The Romulan Artefact. Related: Picard's Romulan Protector Elnor: New Star Trek Character Explained. Thanks to the covert operations of Commodore Oh and her underlings, it can also be concluded that the Zhat Vash have a deep hatred of synthetic life and A.I., and for this reason are seeking to destroy Dahj, Soji, and all similar beings. Naturally, very little is known about this group, including whether they truly exist, but Laris and Zhaban reveal a few key details. Netflix Answers What The MCU Can't: What If Falcon Was A Super Soldier? With the histories of the Borg and Romulans continuing to intertwine with each episode of Star Trek: Picard, it's possible that the two races are more closely integrated that previously thought, and many are speculating (RLM, for example) that the Romulans might've actually been responsible for creating the Borg in the first place. The Borg seek living perfection by assimilating all artificial life into their own kind, and their entire purpose revolves around this goal, with individuality, emotion and relationships replaced by cold hard logic and a drive to spread as widely as possible across the universe. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Having created a race of cyborgs that now threaten all organic life, the Zhat Vash would be keen to not only conceal their own secret, but also to ensure no one else makes the same mistake. While the Romulan prophecy of Ganmadan has allusions towards the Borg, it doesn't necessarily suggest one is responsible for the other's creation, although that picture changes when considering the other areas of Romulan culture Star Trek: Picard has revealed. Stazione Deep Space Nine. One of the main attractions of Star Trek's cybernetic villains is their mysterious origins. Parlano Jeri Ryan, che riprende il ruolo di Sette di Nove e il produttore Alex Kurtzman. I Romulani e i Borg, in assoluto i “cattivi” più amati e meglio riusciti nella storia di Star Trek, vengono usati per raccontare un tema di grandissima attualità, l’intelligenza artificiale e l’automazione che stanno rivoluzionando il mondo in cui viviamo. Logicamente questo melenso "Volemose bene" galattico sarà disturbato a turno dai Vulcaniani, dai Romulani e dai Borg, detti anche rompicubi galattici per la loro insistenza e per la cazzimma. Centuries later, after those early Borg experiments had developed and spread across the galaxy, the Romulans and Borg have now come into contact again, spelling disaster for all. Tuttavia, nonostante l'obiettivo comunque, la loro non è esattamente una partnership, come ha spiegato invece il produttore esecutivo Alex Kurtzman. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. If so, the Romulan prophecy is warning of a day when the Borg rise up at Soji's command and assimilate all life, everywhere. Star Trek: Picard has confirmed that Maddox was still working at the Daystrom Institute prior to Starfleet's synth ban, but took the change of legislation very badly and has barely been seen since. Related: Star Trek: Picard’s Best Easter Eggs (TOS, TNG, Voyager & More). This natural resistance to assimilation provides another intrinsic and ancient link between Borg and Romulan kind. Invadono il nostro spazio e noi ci ritiriamo, assimilano mondi interi e noi ci ritiriamo. A major clue that the Romulans could've created the Borg many centuries ago comes from a prophecy spoken by a Romulan scholar called Ramdha. And if that latter had created the evil cyborgs, it's logical that they might build in fail-safe procedures that would prevent successful assimilation. Unsurprisingly, Jean-Luc Picard finds himself at the center of events, after he was forced to watch one of Data's offspring get killed by her Romulan pursuers. La prima conseguenza sarebbe un distanziamento non solo tra i membri della Federazione, ma anche tra la Federazione e le altre potenze (Klingon, Romulani, Ferengi e affini). This is said to have been the first time the Borg attempted to turn Romulans into their own kind, although the accuracy of this statement is a topic of debate, but exactly why Romulan biology proved so resistant to Borg control remains a key mystery of Star Trek: Picard. This is said to have been the first … But how does Bruce Maddox factor into such a shadowy plot? Patrick Stewart returns to the iconic role of Jean-Luc Picard in the upcoming CBS All-Access series, which is set about 20 years after Star Trek: Nemesis.At San Diego Comic-Con, the Star Trek: Picard trailer was unveiled, giving fans their first real glimpse at Picard's next adventure. Palinsesto di tutti i film in programmazione attualmente nei cinema, con informazioni, orari e sale. In fact, the Romulans likely have benefited from Borg technology for over a decade; the Star Trek: Picard trailer shows a sign inside the Borg Cube that says "This facility has gone 5843 days without an assimilation". Could the Romulans' big secret in Star Trek: Picard be that they were responsible for creating the Borg? Li dobbiamo fermare qui, impedirgli di andare oltre e io gliela farò pagare per tutto quello che hanno fatto! The ruling body of the Romulan Star Empire was the Romulan Senate, with each senator representing a province. Elenco degli episodi e delle opere legate Star Trek in cui compaiono i romulani. Perhaps, however, the word "annihilation" was mistranslated, and should actually read "assimilation." Ambientati nel 24esimo secolo, gli episodi seguono le vicende della nuova nave spazialeEnterprise-D, appunto comandata dal capitano Jean-Luc Picard, il cui nome viene inventato proprio da Roddenberry come trib… However, the secret Romulan cabal couldn't very well just send Starfleet a letter warning them not to meddle in synthetics any further. "È un riflesso della società e delle persone, oggi diverse, e del sentimento di esclusione che si sta registrando in gran parte del mondo. Apparently, the Zhat Vash were formed to guard a secret that would affect the very foundation of Romulan culture if it were to be exposed. (Jean-Luc Picard) Siamo già scesi a troppi compromessi, troppe ritirate. Continua >> Qual è la sede della Federazione Unita dei Pianeti? Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. Star Trek: Picard is teasing a big secret involving two of the franchise's greatest enemies. Strangely, however, this process ended up severing all Borg on board from the Collective, and drove the assimilated Romulans insane. Thanks to Data, Maddox and Starfleet's advancing scientific exploits, Star Trek has charted a gradual progression in the Federation's artificial life, and the Zhat Vash might've finally taken notice. Adding together a shared Romulan/Borg myth, a deep dark secret and a burning hatred for robots, the most obvious conclusion is that the Romulans were somehow integral in the creation of the Borg. The Borg Queen comes closest, but merely acts as a leader, rather than a progenitor. Klingon. It's unclear why Soji, or even the Borg, would seek to destroy all life, since this isn't the villains' prime directive. Tuttavia, rispetto al passato, questi assumono un ruolo diverso in Picard, come rivelato da Jeri Ryan a TV Guide. Il primo e più ovvio sospettato non può che risiedere in una delle più antiche nemesi della Federazione: i Borg. Craig first began contributing to Screen Rant in 2016, several years after graduating college, and has been ranting ever since, mostly to himself in a darkened room. If Soji is designed to lead the Borg, why would've Maddox created her as such? According to Romulan legend, the "Day of Annihilation" will come when "all the shackled demons break their chains" and are led by a "Destroyer" called Seb-Cheneb. Anche se dopo aver fermato un complotto segreto romulano per invadere Vulcano, Spock convince Picard a lasciarlo indietro per tentare di cambiare la loro società dall’interno. Related: Star Trek Theory: Picard's New Hologram Evolved From DS9's Vic Fontaine. And how does the Borg/Romulan connection factor into the Martian incident? Puoi scegliere e personalizzare uno qualsiasi dei tanti avatar Androide. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. L'intero collettivo viene colto da raptus razziale, Borg Klingon insultano i Borg Specie 8472, i Borg umani tentano di cacciare i Borg Romulani dalle loro roulotte. One of the biggest shocks of Star Trek: Picard is that the Romulans are keeping former Borg prisoners. The Romulans would probably try to deal with the Borg on their own. "Mentre stanno lasciando il pianeta dico: 'Cosa faremo ora? The aging ex-Enterprise captain is now leading a hastily-assembled crew on a hopeless mission to find the other daughter before the pesky Romulans do. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Changes of government and attendant shifts in policy were not uncommon in the Empire. Since Soji is an android, she could be programmed to reawaken and control any Borg disconnected from the hive mind, and perhaps even the connected ones too. I Programmi in tv ora in diretta, la guida completa di tutti i canali televisi del palinsesto. Il leggendario maestro della logica cercava di riunire i Romulani e i Vulcaniani grazie alla loro eredità lontanamente legata. Episodio 4.1: Dopo aver assorbito il Capitano Picard e le sue conoscenze, i Borg si dirigono verso la Terra, lasciando Riker e l'Enterprise alla disperata ricerca di un modo imprevisto per sconfiggerli. Of course, the very fact that an ancient Romulan myth would predict destruction at the hands of the Borg hints at a deeper connection between the two species. They first appeared in the series Star Trek (1966–1969). (TNG: "Unification I"; DS9: "I… Cosa dice questo a proposito delle persone alle quali vengono assegnate posizioni di potere?". Romulan mythology aside, there's an entirely separate side to the mystery of Data's daughters and the Starfleet conspiracy - the attack on the Mars shipyards, and Bruce Maddox. There's another possiblity, though: The Romulans are simply irrelevant to the Borg, lol. Naáshala Kunamadéstifee, Narek, and Soji Asha were stationed there, as was Reclamation Project director Hugh. Clip taken from the Star Trek Voyager episode "Dark Frontier part 1". Star Trek: Picard revealed previously that the Romulans attained their Borg Cube when a Scout Ship from the Romulan empire was attacked by Borg and its occupants were assimilated. Ma chi potrebbe aver causato questo disastro a livello galattico? La principali minaccia che l'ammiraglio deve affrontare in questa sua nuova avventura riguarda anche i Borg, i cyborg a lui ben noti che terrorizzano la galassia costringendo altre specie all'assimilazione con il pretesto di raggiungere la perfezione assoluta. Romulan Star Empire in known space (chart 2). Firstly, Ramdha recognizes Data's daughter, Soji, as Seb Cheneb and reveals that the Destroyer is one of two sisters. Although not explicit, there are several Borg clues within this Romulan myth. Tra le varie rivelazioni c'è stato un elemento che ha legato le due specie aliene note ai fan dell'universo di Star Trek: i Romulani e i Borg. The Praetor also presided over the Continuing Committee, a powerful body that held authority over Senate members. Regina Borg … Prosegue su Amazon Prime Video la programmazione di Star Trek: Picard, nuovo appassionante giro di storie nell'universo del popolare franchise di fantascienza, e atteso ritorno di Patrick Stewart negli iconici panni di Jean-Luc Picard. Una collaborazione che ha preso forma nel finale del primo episodio, quando si sono visti alcuni Romulani lavorare a bordo di un Cubo Borg, un'astronave dell'omonima razza cyborg. Sbagliata! Star Wars' Rogue One Prequel Is Leaving Out Its Best Character, Star Trek Theory: Romulans' Big Picard Secret Is That They Created The Borg, Star Trek Theory: Picard's New Hologram Evolved From DS9's Vic Fontaine, Star Trek: Picard’s Best Easter Eggs (TOS, TNG, Voyager & More), Picard's Romulan Protector Elnor: New Star Trek Character Explained, Star Trek: Picard Hints At Discovery’s Red Angel Being A Starfleet Legend, Star Trek: What Happened When Picard & Spock Met In The Next Generation, Scarlet Witch Repeating Thanos' Time Trick On Vision Reveals Her Control. Could it be that the Romulans actually created the Borg? Therefore, the Zhat Vash have "protected" the galaxy from another Borg creation incident, albeit at the cost of both Federation and Romulan lives. Jean-Luc and his Romulan housekeepers worked together to identify the group of assassins who attacked Dahj and concluded that they were most likely Zhat Vash, a more ancient, more secretive, deadlier predecessor to the Romulan Tal Shiar secret police. 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Although the artificial elements of their biology hints towards some kind of Borg creator, such a figure has never been revealed. Nuovi nemici: I Romulani e i Borg I Romulani, subdoli e letali, fanno ampio uso degli attacchi a sorpresa. ... (dei Borg) 2a. I fan di Star Trek ne ricorderanno il motto: "Voi sarete assimilati, la resistenza è inutile". The Romulan Reclamation Site was a Romulan facility established inside a derelict Borg cube termed the Artifact, and home to the Borg Reclamation Project. Con il Tal Shiar, la forza speciale Romulana, a caccia di ogni tipo di intelligenza artificiale, è facile immaginare che questa relazione contorta con i Borg non farà che peggiorare. Strangely, however, this process ended up severing all Borg on board from the Collective, and drove the assimilated Romulans insane. Corretta! Non conscia della sua vera natura, Soji continua a svolgere la propria attività sul cubo Borg e attira l'attenzione del direttore esecutivo del progetto di ricerca, che consiste nel recuperare i droni borg togliendo loro gli impianti e riportandoli alla propria individualità. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. Anche l'interno della nave dei Romulani ha un aspetto piuttosto borghese, ... "Posso confermare di essere ancora Borg e di essere una versione umana sviluppata, rispetto all'ultima volta in cui ho visto Picard, quando eravamo bloccati su un pianeta e Lore è stato ucciso", ha detto Del Arco. La prima apparizione dei Romulani risale alla serie classica, nell’episodio La navicella invisibile. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Romulans (/ ˈrɒmjʊlənz, - jə -/) are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. ShiKahr (Vulcano) Andor (Andoria) San Francisco (Terra) Corretta! Nel secondo episodio disponibile in streaming da oggi la serie approfondisce le ragioni che spingono l'ex capitano dell'Enterprise a rinunciare al suo riposo e tornare in azione oltre le nuvole. If Soji is the Destroyer, it would naturally follow that Dahj could represent the Creator. As things stand, the Borg have no clear creation story; the Collective was said to have developed over many thousands of years, but records of Borg activity in the Star Trek universe only go back 1000 years or so, with the species gradually becoming more dominant during that period. Famiglia. Although any further details would be purely speculative, it fits with the established canon and timeline that the ancient Romulans could've started experimenting with artificial life forms, accidentally created the Borg and realized the terror their experiments had given rise to. (TOS: "Ritorno al domani") Con la scoperta degli antenati degli antichi umanoidi nel XXIV secolo, molte forme di vita umanoidi nella galassia conosciuta si trovavano ad aver un codice genetico, una "stirpe" che li aveva guidati verso la loro evoluzione come for… With the returns of Seven of Nine and Hugh, Star Trek: Picard is diving deep into what happens when a Borg is separated from the Collective, and the Romulan Reclaimation Project is taking place on an entire Cube of inactive Borg drones. Dopo la parentesi terrestre, l’episodio si focalizza nuovamente sull’Artefatto Borg, il Cubo in mano ai Romulani, con la classica musica di “The Balance of Terror”. "Di solito erano i Borg a farlo, quindi cosa succede quando le cose si ribaltano? In poche ore tre cubi Borg sono perduti per sempre e gli altri sono tutti rigati o coi finestrini rotti. Sbagliata! Umani, Vulcaniani, Andoriani e Tellariani. Finding their new cyborgs couldn't be controlled, the Romulans might've subsequently launched their fledgling creation into the Delta Quadrant (where the Borg are first discovered) and established the Zhat Vash to ensure the secret remained covered, both from Romulans and from other species. Il Comandante Spock una volta teorizzò che il popolo di Sargon potesse aver colonizzato il pianeta Vulcano quasi sei milioni di anni fa. Contagion: Contaggio : L'Enterprise si prende il raffreddore, ma non è l'unica ad ammalarsi: 3a. Nevertheless, Bruce was a clever boy, and if he could somehow make the connection between the Romulans and the Borg, he might've been tempted into creating the perfect android life form that would not only complete his life's work as a technical achievement, but would also succeed in bringing down both the Romulans and the Federation, gaining revenge upon those who thwarted his research in the first place. Although Starfleet initially agreed to help the Romulan empire in their time of need, an ill-timed terrorist attack put paid to that, and this is the main source of the animosity between Starfleet and the Romulans. A pochi giorni dal suo debutto Star Trek: Picard è già un successo. ©2001 - 2021 Anicaflash S.r.l. Accidenti, ottimo lavoro Spock. Il nuovo ruolo dei Borg nasce da un'improbabile alleanza con i Romulani, con i quali non hanno praticamente nulla in comune se non l'opposizione della Federazione.